Times like these

Welcome to the myclimate annual report


Times Like These

Dear reader,  

We – the new, collective, seven-strong management team – are pleased to present you with our myclimate annual report for 2023. In it, you can read about our financial results, the most important details of our “climate impact” and contributions to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), along with selected highlights from the past financial year. 

But we would like to use this introduction to talk to you about time and urgency. The urgency of climate protection, in other words the limited time left for us to act, is beyond dispute in the political, business and social spheres. Despite this awareness, many of the campaigns discussed and implemented today are designed to take effect in the medium to long term. 

The time dilemma  

Future targets like “net zero” are crucial. However, in setting these goals, there is sometimes a lack of consideration for the present and the past – a basic motivation for action. We plan for “net zero” in the future, but we are not doing enough right now. Our emissions are still too high, and we need to do more to finance the transition.

The new myclimate management
Photo: myclimate

Business figures

Operating account and balance sheet


Donations and income from contributions to climate protection50’801’17654’319’644
Donations and income from Climate Education services1’736’6181’489’207
Income from Consulting and Solutions services3’117’8002’706’145
Other income1’837’046940’929

TOTAL INCOME57’492’64059’455’925


Expenses for climate protection projects    -31’867’591-41’985’509
Effort for Climate Education-1’858’903-1’183’901
Expenses for Consulting and Solutions-1’970’710-1’419’415
Other expenses for service provision-763’820-425’842

Total expenses for service provision -36’461’024-45’014’667

Total  expenses for sales, marketing & administration-10’387’169-7’825’695

OPERATING RESULT 10’644’4486’615’562

Total financial result164’107-2’447’689
Total other result126’355-251’341

Total change in fund capital-10’587’942-1’933’891

ANNUAL RESULT346’9681’982’641


Financial assets


Current assets  

Cash and cash equivalents8’147’25313’109’447
accounts receivable from deliveries and services34’615’81517’324’447
Services not invoiced4’330’2196’143’202
Accrued income and prepaid expenses425’323164’517

Total current assets47’518’60936’741’614
Fixed assets  
Financial assets5'491’01114’370’908
Property, equipment and intangible assets 1’456’917529’022

Total fixed assets16’556’50914’941’930

TOTAL ACTIVITIES64’075’11851’683’543
Short-term debt capital  
Liabilities from deliveries and services5'491’0112’887’752
Accrued expenses and deferred income3’911’6094’968’925

Total current liabilities9’402’6207’856’677

Total Fund Capital47’865’40437’277’461

Total organisational capital6’807’0946’549’404

TOTAL PASSIVE64’075’11851’683’542


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SDG impact reporting

Not just reducing CO₂

Since it was founded in 2002, myclimate has helped to develop and support around 200 climate protection projects in 46 countries around the world. Some of these have already been completed. Over 11 million people have benefited from the measures to date, and more than 300,000 people have received training in climate protection projects. myclimate’s carbon offset projects not only prevent or bind CO₂; they also contribute to achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We measure this impact and present it transparently using key figures. The figures below show the key impact areas of this reporting from the foundation of myclimate until the end of 2023.


small farming families using improved agricultural practices


biogas plants installed, with the health of women and children improved

3.1 b

litres of clean drinking water treated

1.35 m

solar power systems and efficient cookstoves installed to replace fossil fuels


permanent and temporary jobs created

19.13 m

tonnes of CO₂ prevented by myclimate climate protection projects

5 m

trees planted to provide income for families of small farmers


In 2023, myclimate adjusted the basis for calculating the SDG impact achieved. myclimate now only shows the contributions that can be clearly attributed to myclimate’s commitment. We aim to further increase the transparency and integrity of our statements and take even greater account of the principle of conservationism. This may result in inconsistencies between the figures for 2022 and 2023. We are also reflecting the new reporting guidelines of the Gold Standard and no longer reporting contributions to SDG 1 separately.

Tonnes of emissions

How much CO₂ has myclimate prevented?

In 2023, companies and private individuals took responsibility for 3,338,654 tonnes of emissions (which equates to almost 8% of Switzerland’s domestic emissions in 2022). At the same time, myclimate projects resulted in 2,749,458 tonnes of certified reductions in CO₂ emissions. In total, over 20.68 million tonnes of CO₂ have been reduced since myclimate was founded. As emission certificates can be retired at different times, any surplus emission reductions are applied to past and future years.


Developments in 2023

myclimate can point to numerous achievements in 2023. With optimised products such as the Climate Strategy and the new Smart PCF carbon footprint tool for product ranges, as well as our comprehensive range of educational services, we enable climate protection at all levels. We constantly monitor the effectiveness of our portfolio of high-quality climate protection projects, both internally and externally. We have also added further projects – including projects in the DACH region – and we are now ISO-certified as a company for our work. Through creative advertising campaigns and the use of artificial intelligence, we have caused a stir, raised awareness of the Foundation myclimate and attracted attention for climate protection. We got to write numerous success stories with our customers and bring about effective change thanks to long-standing partnerships. Last but not least, we are taking a modern and innovative approach with our new seven-strong management structure.


Member of the European Outdoor Group

myclimate is now an associate member of the European Outdoor Group (EOG), the industry association for European outdoor companies. Following on from myclimate’s cooperations with renowned manufacturers of textiles, shoes and equipment for outdoor adventure, the Zurich-based climate protection foundation is now contributing its expertise to the EOG’s numerous sustainability projects to help advance its vision of a sustainable, low-emissions business model for the industry.

“The outdoor industry is already doing a good job, and with the support of organisations like myclimate, we can hopefully work at an even higher level and ultimately justify the trust our customers place in us.”

Arne Strate, Secretary General of the EOG

Climate protection projects

Domestic and international projects

Getting active together

Our high-quality climate protection projects support measurable climate protection and sustainable development worldwide. Companies that support these projects financially are taking responsibility for their own emissions, putting a price on them according to the “polluter pays” principle, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond their own value chains. The projects are just one of many building blocks in a comprehensive corporate climate strategy that ultimately aims for net zero, but they are an important one.

A deeper view

Almost 200 global climate protection projects

Since its founding in 2002, myclimate has developed and supported almost 200 projects in 46 countries worldwide. The projects cover the 12 technology areas of waste, treatment, cook stoves, biogas, biomass, hydro power, energy efficiency, agriculture, forestry, solar, wind and water purification and contribute to the SDG. The high quality and effectiveness of the projects has been repeatedly confirmed by various independent international studies. 

In addition to projects for the voluntary market (voluntary carbon markets, VCM), myclimate also develops projects for mandatory markets – for example in accordance with Article 6.2 of the Paris Climate Agreement – as well as projects specifically for companies (customised projects). myclimate operates numerous climate protection projects in German-speaking countries, with around 50 active projects and funding programmes in Switzerland alone (14 of which are for Migros and three for Coop), three in Germany and one in the field of agroforestry in Austria.


Shaping the future

Our educational programmes

Through our high-impact, solution-oriented educational programmes, we empower, inspire and support people at school and at work to promote effective climate protection through enhanced skills. Once again in 2023 we succeeded in reaching numerous people through our educational programmes.

During the 2022–2023 school year, myclimate staged the educational project “Help Shape Climate-Friendly Zurich”, aimed at the younger generation who will soon be entering working life. This was a great opportunity to raise awareness around climate and environmental issues among young people and encourage them to play an active part.

On Pioneers’ Day, over 500 young people from Liechtenstein celebrated their commitment to greater climate protection and sustainability. School pupils and young people in vocational training from throughout Liechtenstein took part in the myclimate projects “Energy and Climate Pioneers” and “Energy and Climate Workshop”.

At the Energy and Climate Workshop, we also honoured the best projects of the year and recognized talented young people for their sustainability successes as part of the nationwide myclimate education competition for apprentices in September 2023.

Private sector organisations are increasingly getting involved in educational projects in the areas of climate and sustainability. ALDI SUISSE supports the myclimate educational project “Energy and Climate Pioneers 2.0”, in an educational partnership that has helped motivate and empower 10,000 students in Swiss primary schools to take an active part in their future since the project began in 2021.

Step by step into a great future


pupils took part


apprentices actively engaged with climate protection


teachers underwent further training


classes took part in the Energy and Climate Pioneers 2.0 project 


*The figures refer to Switzerland.

Educational Portfolio for Companies

Climate protection expertise at Zweifel Pomy-Chips

Under the myclimate Education Portfolio for Companies, specialists and managers from Switzerland can acquire focused knowledge and skills on in the areas of climate change and climate protection, and implement corresponding measures within the company. Snack food manufacturer Zweifel Pomy-Chips AG got to experience for itself how specialists and managers can actively help shape the company’s path to net zero. In the myclimate workshop, upper management acquired relevant climate protection skills and took a deep dive into issues around regulations, SBTi and fields of action in the area of climate protection.

“It was important for us to start with the decision-makers: the experienced myclimate team trained upper management and even the Board of Directors intensively for half a day. The content was varied, suitable to the audience and customised.”

Cédric Baier, Head of Sustainability at Zweifel Pomy-Chips AG

Environment and careers

Successful completion of the “Jobs for Future” project

Jobs for Future brings sustainability into career choice. Environmental scientist, gardener, recycling specialist – in career orientation, these are the professions that are traditionally perceived as green and sustainable. The Jobs for Future educational programme aims to significantly broaden perspectives by showing how sustainability is making its way into all professions. For the project, myclimate worked with young people, teachers and careers guidance specialists. The results of the five-year Jobs for Future project were published on two new platforms in 2023.

Young people learn about sustainability in the workplace
photo: myclimate

Training project with a pioneering character

myclimate and the Utz Group organise the first intercontinental Company Challenge with employees

The myclimate Company Challenge educational programme was carried out for the first time with the help of specialists and managers and involving the eight national companies of the Utz Group. The programme didn’t let national borders get in the way. In the Company Challenge, projects were developed not only with Swiss employees, but also with staff from a total of eight different countries. This unique scheme clearly demonstrated one thing in particular: the interest in protecting our climate, the thirst for knowledge relating to concrete, feasible and solution-oriented measures, and the desire for self-efficacy are shared by employees in all kinds of role and positions around the world, from Mexico to China.

“The first myclimate Company Challenge in the Utz Group was a complete success. Thanks to the professional management and support from the myclimate education department, we not only raised our employees’ awareness of climate change and sustainability, but also got them actively engaging in these issues, as demonstrated by the many important project ideas that were devised and implemented.”  

Martin Anegg, Head of CSR at Georg Utz Holding AG

Solution-orientated climate education in the classroom

Energy and Climate Pioneers in Germany and Switzerland

“Energy and Climate Pioneers 2.0” is a new educational programme from myclimate. During a project day, myclimate encourages pupils in years 5–9 to explore their own capacity for action around climate protection. Classes also have the opportunity to get active in climate protection and energy saving themselves through accompanying project work.


pupils were reached in 2023


school classes took part in 2023


different schools took part in 2023


*The figures refer to Germany.

CO2 management

Corporate clients

Climate protection within companies

myclimate’s broad range of solutions and consulting services is expanding further and the foundation is increasingly advising companies on a comprehensive climate strategy. In 2023 myclimate further optimised the associated solutions with a focus on enabling companies to significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and achieve their net zero target in the long term.

The new product myclimate Smart PCF allows companies to quickly and easily determine the carbon footprint of their product portfolio within the myclimate platform – right down to specific products. An AI system helps calculate emissions for any number of products, and companies can use this analysis to derive improvement measures.

“This is a great opportunity for the Gadget Entertainment Group AG to lead our company into a more sustainable future together with innovative partners such as myclimate. We aim to be a prime mover – with a long-term climate strategy.”  

Christof Huber, Partner in the music agency Gadget Entertainment Group AG

Success stories

Act together


myclimate offers companies of all sizes customised solutions for sustainability and climate protection. Last year, numerous companies once again worked with us to ensure climate-friendly, transparent operations, achieve their CO₂ reduction targets and contribute to sustainable change.

One positive example of a climate-friendly corporate initiative: construction machinery group Wacker Neuson. The company now gives customers the opportunity to make a contribution equivalent to the CO₂ emissions of their purchased and leased equipment. The project is based on a detailed study by myclimate, which determined the emissions for all machines over their entire life cycle.

The example of the Twerenbold Reisen Group shows how holistic climate protection can work in the tourism industry. The voluntary support of myclimate projects outside its own value chain, with the involvement of its customers, sets new standards in sustainable tourism. A contribution to climate protection is automatically integrated into travel arrangements. 

Find out how the international logistics service provider DACHSER has committed to a long-term sustainable business policy, with myclimate as a partner. Under its climate protection strategy, the company is already assuming comprehensive responsibility today and has set ambitious goals for the future.

Swiss Olympic and other sporting organisations are committed to sustainability and are making their contribution to climate protection. The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund assumes responsibility for currently unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions.

“There are no plans to use the expected positive climate effects from projects for offsetting purposes or advertising claims such as climate neutrality, or to transfer them to third parties. We want to promote climate protection with targeted and long-term initiatives.”

Stefan Hohm, Chief Development Officer at DACHSER

Sustainability in sport

DFB and myclimate issue carbon footprint tool

Under its project “ANSTOSS FÜR GRÜN - Klimaschutz im Amateurfußball” (KICKOFF FOR GREEN: Climate Protection in Amateur Football), the German Football Association (DFB) has created a free climate calculator for amateur football clubs together with myclimate. The new tool is designed to help them analyse their individual carbon footprint, identify reduction potential and subsequently take appropriate climate protection measures. For myclimate, the release of the DFB carbon footprint tool represents a further step in its mission to promote climate protection. The sports industry in particular offers effective leverage here.

The free climate calculator for amateur football clubs
Image: myclimate

Sustainability in sport

Ice-cold climate protection: Cologne Sharks make headway

The German Ice Hockey League (PENNY DEL) is including sustainability criteria in its license review for the first time for the 2024/25 season. All of the league's clubs voted unanimously in favor of this. The Cologne Sharks are among them. myclimate supports both the German Ice Hockey League PENNY DEL and the Cologne Sharks in achieving their sustainability criteria. Daniel Schultes, Director B2B of the Cologne Sharks and Benno von der Dovenmühle, Corporate Partnerships Manager at myclimate, talk in an interview about the climate protection options in sport, where changes are now necessary and what has already been put in place.

Daniel, how did it come about that you, as a club, got to grips with the issue of sustainability?

Daniel: As a club, we set out on this path early on. The reasons were and are social responsibility, cost savings, setting an example and also the interest of sponsors, which we pursue as a club. We have been very involved in the area of social sustainability for many years and have implemented many important and beneficial projects for society.

From an environmental sustainability perspective, ice hockey is a sport that is often associated with high energy emissions. By transparently determining CO₂ emissions and the associated opportunities to reduce emissions, we hope to follow a sustainable path together with the other DEL clubs.


CO₂ footprint

Promoting the circular economy: the “Ö3-Wundertüte” in Austria

The “Ö3-Wundertüte” (Ö3 Grab Bag) is a joint project of the Austrian radio station Ö3, the Austrian Post and Caritas. For 19 years, the project has seen old mobile phones collected for environmentally friendly recycling. Users take old mobile phones that they no longer need and put them in the Ö3-Wundertüte, which has a dual benefit – for the environment and for families in need. Broken devices are recycled while models that are still functioning are re-used. The net proceeds from recycling go to children and families in need in Austria. So far, over 7 million mobile phones have been collected and recycled. In the 2023 collaboration, experts from myclimate analysed and evaluated the environmental savings potential of the recycled materials.

Radio presenter Philipp Hansa with the “Ö3-Wundertüte”
Photo: Philipp Lipiarski/www.goodlifecrew.at

myclimate in public


myclimate Carbon Tracker

Despite widespread climate awareness, the number of flights, airplanes and private jets worldwide continued to rise in 2023. We decided to use a special campaign to draw attention to excessive frequent flying and to spark a debate about the “exemplary behaviour” of people with a large media reach. The myclimate Carbon Tracker used publicly available flight data, other databases and the social media postings of influencers and celebrities to identify and list air travel, collect their emissions data in a ranking and to automatically post critical questions in the respective channels. myclimate, together with the agency Jung von Matt Havel, attracted worldwide attention for this issue.


Yes to the Climate Act

Switzerland pays Russia and other autocratic regimes several million Swiss francs a day for oil and natural gas. By saying “Yes to the Climate Act”, voters opted for the gradual reduction of these payments, with the money instead invested in renewable energy at home. On 18 June 2023, the Swiss electorate made a groundbreaking decision for the country by voting to approve the Climate Act. myclimate mobilised voters with an interactive screen installation in which they came face to face with Vladimir Putin. Our efforts paid off.

The “#Putinyourvote” campaign: myclimate mobilised with an interactive screen installation in which voters faced Vladimir Putin.
Photo: myclimate

Further insights?

Find out all about myclimate's business activities and performance over the past few years.

Note on the photo in the header image:
The used photo “Timelines” is a collaboration between Studio Oefner and Google Arts & Culture. It is a series of photographs that visualize the changes in Alpine glaciers. The artist and his team worked together with the Glaciology Institute at ETH Zurich to bring art and science together in a unique way.