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What is Carbon dioxide (CO₂)?

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is a colourless and odourless gas that is a natural component of the air and part of the global carbon cycle. It plays an important role in photosynthesis, in which plants convert CO₂ into oxygen. At the same time, CO₂ is a significant greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming and climate change. Its concentration is influenced by natural processes and human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. Monitoring and controlling CO₂ emissions are therefore central to environmental protection and climate policy.

What is carbon dioxide (CO2)? - Simply explained

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an essential component of our atmosphere and is non-toxic, colourless and odourless in gaseous form under natural conditions. The role of CO2 in our climate is crucial: it absorbs some of the heat radiated from the earth and reflects it back to the earth's surface. This natural greenhouse effect regulates the climate on our planet and creates the conditions in which flora and fauna can thrive.

Where does carbon dioxide come from – Formation of CO₂ in the natural carbon cycle

CO2 is produced as a natural by-product of cellular respiration in numerous living organisms, the decay of dead organisms and the combustion of organic materials such as wood, coal and gas, or even from natural sources of CO2 (e.g. underwater volcanoes and hydrothermal vents). CO2 sinks are essential to close the natural carbon cycle. In nature, CO2 is broken down by plants through photosynthesis or physically dissolved and stored by bodies of water such as seas and oceans.

What role does CO₂ play in climate change?

CO₂ (carbon dioxide) plays a central role in climate change as it is one of the most important greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases act like a blanket that traps the heat emitted from the earth's surface and retains it in the atmosphere. Without greenhouse gases such as CO₂, the Earth would be too cold to support life as we know it. However, the increase in CO₂ concentrations in the atmosphere, which is primarily caused by human activities, has significantly intensified this effect.

The human impact on the climate

Since the beginning of industrialisation (early 19th century), primarily through the burning of coal, oil and natural gas as well as the clearing of forests and draining of wetlands, humans have left behind a considerable carbon footprint. Natural carbon sinks are not sufficient to compensate for anthropogenic CO₂ emissions. The increased greenhouse effect due to human activities, also known as the anthropogenic greenhouse effect, is causing the Earth to warm and has a negative impact on our ecosystem. These include a general increase in temperature, the melting of snow and ice, changes in the acidity of water and the extinction of flora and fauna.


CO2, the greenhouse effect and global warming: from the pioneering work of Arrhenius and Callendar to today's Earth System Models (
How much carbon dioxide does the Earth naturally absorb? | MIT Climate Portal


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