Community Reforestation in Nicaragua

Project type: Land Use and Forestry

Project location: San Juan de Limay and Somoto, Nicaragua

Project status: In operation, credits available

Carbon credits issued of the planting year 2023: 988,658 tCO2e (which will be sequestered during 50 years)

The CommuniTree Programme is a community-led reforestation initiative that helps to restore ecosystems, improve livelihoods, and combat climate change. Having become a Plan Vivo certified project in 2010, it works with smallholder farmers in Nicaragua to grow trees alongside their existing farming practices. It has grown to become the largest reforestation initiative in the country, and is now restoring over 11,000 hectares of land in partnership with more than 3,000 smallholder families.

Through CommuniTree, smallholder farmers grow native species on degraded, underused areas of their land. Farmers must reserve sufficient land for their current subsistence farming practices, ensuring their forests provide additional livelihood benefits that can be passed on to future generations of their family. There is critical need for this in Nicaragua, which has suffered from significant deforestation in recent decades, largely from agriculturally based land-use change. At the same time, Nicaragua is the second-poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with many of its population struggling to maintain secure livelihoods.

The trees improve the temperature of the farm and the planet as well. They also give us wood, shade, and better soil, helping stop erosion.

Justina Gutierrez Munos, farmer in Mansico, Nicaragua.

Land use planning around watersheds is a key supporting activity; the project started in a critical watershed that feeds into one of Nicaragua’s most important estuaries, the Estero Real, which suffers from seasonal water shortages and flooding. This estuary is home to one of the biggest extensions of mangroves and migratory birds in the region and has been recognized by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. Increasing forest cover helps to regulate the hydrological cycle, retaining water through the dry season and minimizing flooding in the rainy season. This provides important water and biodiversity benefits on a local, national and international level.

We hope to create solidarity among communities, provide opportunities for families to earn extra income, act as a role model for others and build environmental awareness among subsistence farmers.

Elsa Gonzales, Head Community Technician and Office manager Taking Roots Nicaragua

The project engages farmers over a 10-year period to help them grow trees in a way that is beneficial to them in both the short and long term. In the short term, they benefit through payments for ecosystem services (PES), and in the long term, through new sustainable sources of income, such as from the sale of sustainably grown timber. This addresses the drivers of forest degradation, positioning reforestation as an attractive land-use option for smallholder farmers. As a result, the project reduces forest degradation by easing pressure on surrounding natural forests, while simultaneously sequestering quantifiable volumes of CO₂ from the atmosphere and improving environmental and socio-economic conditions across participating communities.

The project contains 3 types of plantations: Mixed species plantations (multi-purposed tree plantations composed of fast-growing firewood species and longer-lived hardwood species), coffee agroforestry (shade-grown coffee and fruit trees) and silvopastoral planting (tree planting on areas use for cattle-breeding).


Project partner, implementation, verification auditing 

For many years, myclimate has been working very closely with the project developer Taking Root in Canada and the local project implementation partner – the NGO APRODEIN - on this programme. The programme was sourced by myclimate directly on site in 2012 and subjected to an internal due diligence. myclimate had decided at that time to pay upfront payments, thus taking the financial risk.  

The programme is registered with Plan Vivo, the most rigorous standard in LUF. Its Technical Advisory Team (TAC) reviews the PDD, validation report and annual reports. In concrete terms, it looks like this: APRODEIN's field technicians visit farmers with parcels enrolled in the programm in years 1, 3, 5, and 10 to monitor and ensure that the trees are healthy and growing. At those times, technicians also provide support to farmers to troubleshoot any challenges that they might be having. Taking Root’s platform quantifies and surfaces this forest and carbon reporting by combining the ground data taken by the field technicians with advanced geospatial and machine learning analytics. These numbers are reported in Taking Root’s annual reports, which are verified annually by Plan Vivo.  

CommuniTree is independently verified by Plan Vivo annually and audited by an independent third party every five years. The last audit took place in 2016 by Rainforest Alliance, and Taking Root won an EcoIndex award for its monitoring and reporting. The next audit is currently taking place; it was delayed due to the Covid 19 pandemic, but is planned to be completed in autumn 2023. Plan Vivo Certificates are subsequently issued and sold to donors and partners via myclimate. More informations see “Documentations”. 


Controlling: How does myclimate guarantee that CO2 is stored? 

Due to the inaccuracy of remote sensing in the early stages of forest growth, the program carries out statistically representative field measurements on randomly distributed sample plots, which account for about ten percent of the area of each plot. 

In this project, as in all other afforestation projects that myclimate supports, the cooperation with smallholder families on many hundreds of different plots ensures that the risk of losing a lot of biomass due to a fire, for example, is massively reduced compared to a contiguous area.  

Last but not least, a project always includes a buffer pool of 15 per cent that absorbs failures, which of course cannot be 100 per cent avoided. This, together with the conservative calculation, ensures that forest projects bring about sustainable climate protection in addition to the positive side effects mentioned above (sources of income, biodiversity). 


This project contributes to 10 SDGs*

*as at the end of 2023. myclimate only finances a share of this project. The following figures relate to the impact of the entire project. Find out how myclimate reports these SDGs in our FAQ.


The following SDGs are verified by Plan Vivo:

USD 9,861,568 is being distributed among 4,202 farming families within communities. An additional $23,400,020 is being held in trust for future payments.

Conducting 12,792 capacity-building workshops, offering education and training to smallholder farmers.

Working with 801 women farmers who traditionally face barriers to financing and resources.

Natural wood fallen from forest provide renewable source of energy for cooking.

Additional income is created thorugh selling firewood and high value woodcrafts from the smallholder forests.

Providing over 2,000 seasonal jobs per year

Additional revenues created from farmers’ forest products incentivize reforestation practices, ensuring ecosystems are maintained for the long term.

So far, 4,316,143 emission certificates have been issued. This means that the same number of tonnes of CO2 will be saved with the trees planted so far over the total project duration of 50 years.

Over 5 million native trees planted annually, reforesting over 14,864 ha of land, habitat and local wildlife regeneration.

These SDGs have been approved by myclimate:

6 critical watersheds have been restored since the start of the project.

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