myclimate smart 3 is a web-based platform for standardised carbon footprinting and the management of comprehensive sustainability data. The customisable tool simplifies and organises the documentation of sustainability data and so supports sustainability management in companies. myclimate smart 3 is suitable for both SMEs and major international corporations.
With myclimate smart 3 you can capture relevant sustainability data, consolidate it throughout the company’s structure and assess its environmental impact. You also have the option of integrating an external audit of the results, which covers all steps leading up to final processing in accordance with established standards for climate and sustainability reports. All inputted data, key indicators and results can be broken down and compared by location or across the company. For the further analysis and processing of data, the web-based platform also offers the opportunity for the depiction and evaluation of interactive graphics as well as for exporting into Microsoft Excel. myclimate smart 3 can be used in German, English or French.
Areas of Application
The Advantages
SERAM technology from Sirius Technologies AG is used for myclimate smart 3.
Our software solutions allow users to collect and evaluate all CO₂-relevant activities and consumption on an annual basis. They take into account the areas of energy, transport, business travel, employee mobility, office materials, food and waste. Based on this data, greenhouse gas emissions can be evaluated in terms of specific indicators. Additional indicators, for purchased goods or CSR data for instance, can be easily integrated.
Through holistic environmental monitoring and detailed risk prevention, they can thus optimise costs, define key performance indicators (KPIs) and orientate themselves strategically to position their company on the market competitively.
The EU’s CSR Directive, which entered into force in 2017, requires capital-market-oriented companies as well as financial service providers with more than 500 employees to create a non-financial declaration from the 2017 reporting year. Alongside environmental matters, this report should also contain information on social and employee-related issues as well as the fight against corruption and bribery, taking the entire supply chain into consideration.
myclimate is available to assist you as your partner for transparent and holistic CSR reporting. The web-based platform myclimate smart 3 provides the ideal starting point and a strong foundation for the reliable and ongoing collection and monitoring of customised sustainability data for sustainable data management.
This product is a component of the climate strategy
To the climate strategy