Travel agency for mountain tours compensates total flight emissions

The young Steffisburg-based company <link _blank external-link-new-window>berg-welt</link>, specialist for delightful mountain tours worldwide, is leading the way in the tourism industry: As the first Swiss tour operator, berg-welt voluntarily offsets all flight emissions which tour participants and tour guides cause on their mountain tours through myclimate. Flight compensation is already included in all travel arrangements. "Travelling is connected with climate-impacting emissions. As a tour operator, we stand by that", says managing director Martin Fischer, ". Carbon compensation is part of our corporate philosophy and for us a prerequisite for the offer of air travel. "
At the end of November, myclimate received a check for the amount of 20,000 francs from berg-welt. Thus, the flight emissions of all tours offered in 2008 are offset.

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