On behalf of the free-ads platform <link www.tutti.ch - external-link "Opens external link in current window">tutti.ch</link>, myclimate has carried out an ecological life cycle assessment to determine the environmental benefits of used items. Employees from the myclimate Carbon Management Services (CMS) department compared the saving in CO₂ emissions when buying a used item with the CO₂ emissions from purchasing the corresponding new product. For all products the raw materials, manufacture, packaging as well as transport to Switzerland were taken into account, but not the use or operation of the products after purchase. This revealed that over the course of twelve months, consumers have saved at least 47,600 tonnes of CO₂ emissions by purchasing second-hand products via tutti.ch. This is equivalent to 20,000 return flights from Zurich to New York or the annual power consumption of 85,000 Swiss households (4 people, 4,500 kilowatt hours).
According to the results of the study, the following items in particular cause the most CO₂: televisions at 638 kilograms, fridges at 436 kilograms, ovens at 410 kilograms and sofas at 378 kilograms. On average this is the impact that the manufacture, packaging and transport of these products would have on the climate if they were not traded on tutti.ch and were therefore not reused. In order to illustrate the emission figures of product manufacturing, myclimate has assisted tutti.ch in setting up the website <link www.klima.tutti.ch - external-link "Opens external link in current window">www.klima.tutti.ch</link>. On the website, a variety of the products which were examined are displayed graphically in a living room, where you can interactively find out their CO₂ emission values.
The full results of the study are also available to download as a <link www.klima.tutti.ch/files/tutti.ch_myclimate_oekobilanzstudie.pdf - external-link "Opens external link in current window">PDF</link>.