The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund: Angelika Siegfried, Land and Environment Officer, Draws some Initial Conclusions

The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund was launched in 2023. It is a sophisticated mechanism that brings climate protection and sport together. The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund allows sports associations and clubs, as well as businesses and private individuals, to do something for both sport and the environment by making climate contributions in relation to their calculated carbon. In this interview, we speak to Angelika Siegfried, Land and Environment Officer with Swiss Olympic, about the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund and our work together. 

Angelika Siegfried, Land and Environment Officer at Swiss Olympic, Photo: Swiss Olympic


What do you think makes the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund mechanism particularly efficient or effective? 

The measures that are co-funded by the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund directly benefit Swiss sports associations and clubs. Other sports enthusiasts in Switzerland also benefit from larger climate protection projects, such as the contribution to the renewable heating system at the Frauenfeld indoor swimming pool. This is an example of the wide-reaching effects of the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund. 

The fact that contributions to the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund stem from and flow back into sport makes the mechanism particularly effective. For many sports-related organisations, it is highly motivating to be able to take responsibility for their greenhouse gas emissions and, at the same time, give something back to their own community. 

Furthermore, climate protection measures are not always budgeted for, as associations and clubs often don’t have the resources. This is where the Climate Fund can help by supporting the implementation of measures and projects that otherwise would not be financially viable. 


What motivated you to set up the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund? 

Swiss Olympic was looking for a way to take responsibility for its own greenhouse gas emissions, so the climate fund mechanism was an obvious choice. As various Swiss sports associations were already toying with the idea of setting up their own funds, resources were pooled and the idea of the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund became a reality. The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund also serves as a further mechanism for raising awareness in the sports sector about climate and environment issues. 


What advantages does an “umbrella” fund have over individual measures by individual associations?  

Today, thanks to the commitment of various Swiss Olympic partners and other organisations to the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund, lots of different sports are receiving financial support for sustainability measures, including those that, because of their size and influence, can only afford to make a small contribution to the Climate Fund and would certainly not be in a position to run their own fund. 

Moreover, as a project, the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund requires a lot of human and financial resources to run. It makes more sense, in terms of the administration of such a fund, to expend these only once and together, rather than in many individual associations and funds. Swiss sport as a whole therefore benefits much more. 


Have you personally gained any particular insight from working on the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund? Has there been anything that has especially impressed or surprised you?  

It is hugely difficult to set up a functioning climate fund. Besides all the technical considerations, capacity-building and stakeholder relationship management cannot be underestimated. A lot of resources are required to run a climate fund and, in the beginning, a great deal of attention – more than we had imagined before the project started. 


In which specific areas is Swiss Olympic using the fund to help individual associations do more in the field of climate protection? Can you share any examples or ideas with us? 

Swiss Olympic is currently piloting four sustainability modules: promoting travel by train, e-mobility, energy consulting and solar contracting (leasing roofs for the installation of PV systems). Swiss sports associations and clubs can already benefit in these areas today. If these modules prove successful, other areas will be added. In addition, support is being provided to myclimate climate protection projects, such as the new heat pump in the Frauenfeld indoor swimming pool or a substitute for diesel generators at events. 


How can individuals or businesses in Switzerland who are interested in sport help ensure the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund is a success? 

If individuals and companies who are interested in sport take responsibility for their own greenhouse gas emissions – for example, as a result of flights or multiple journeys in combustion-engine vehicles – and make a corresponding contribution to the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund, that makes it possible for us to support further sustainability measures and projects. In this way, both Swiss sport and the climate benefit – so it’s a win-win situation. 


How does the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund work?  

Participants in the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund can take responsibility for their currently unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions. The fund is financed by contributions from (sports) organisations, commercial businesses, partners and private individuals. Parties can choose between two different contribution options and climate protection portfolios. It is possible to support projects exclusively in Switzerland or a combination of Swiss and international projects. With both options, the majority of the funds flow back into Swiss sport. The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund Committee uses the funds for various solutions in Switzerland. On the one hand, smaller, local climate protection measures are supported directly by Swiss sports associations and clubs. On the other, the Swiss Olympic Climate Fund supports larger, certified Swiss climate protection projects related to sport. 

With the combined contribution option, certified international climate protection projects are supported, in addition to the Swiss measures mentioned above.

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