There is a war happening in Europe. Energy is scarce and prices are going up every day. But you can help by saving energy. We can all make a difference – and save money and help the planet at the same time.
What will the campaign achieve?
Using less water to shower means less water needs to be heated. This means lower energy and water consumption and, in turn, lower costs. The annual cost savings are over CHF 100. Since 2015, myclimate’s successful support programme for water-saving shower heads in cooperation with sinum has helped to install over 60,000 shower heads in private households in Switzerland, saving around 42,000 MWh of energy and over one billion litres of water.
How does a water-saving shower head work?
The efficient shower heads reduce water consumption by 30 to 50 percent. The average flow rate is reduced on average from 13 litres per minute to seven litres per minute. The comfort level remains the same, as the weaker shower stream is enriched with air.
Who can purchase a water-saving shower head, and from where?
The scheme is aimed directly at private households, but public administrations, energy supply companies, businesses, housing cooperatives and organisations can also make their residents or employees aware of the discounted water-saving shower heads via flyers and text templates. Discover more about the support programme, which is funded by the KliK foundation, and order:
a water-saving shower head for your private household
promotional material for organisations
such as councils, cantons and energy supply companies.
myclimate also runs other support programmes that help people switch from fossil fuels such as oil and gas to renewable energy sources, from heat pumps and climate-friendly greenhouse heating to electric buses.
The government has also launched an energy-saving campaign, which includes tips on how to install water-saving shower heads.