Premiere: myclimate organises the first Cloud Apéro

With its Cloud Apéros, myclimate is launching a new event series in Zurich. The three dates will be used to discuss the Paris Climate Agreement and its effects on the economy and society from various perspectives. The first event was devoted to the topic of “National and International Climate Policy”.

from left Franzjosef Schafhausen, Andrea Burkhardt and René Estermann

On Wednesday, 18 May, the political road map resulting from the Paris Climate Protection Agreement was discussed at <link offices</link>. Under the moderation of myclimate CEO René Estermannn, Andrea Burkhardt from the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU)</link> and Franzjosef Schafhausen, one of the most experienced and well-known names in German, European and international climate policy and long-standing leading figure at the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">German Ministry for the Environment</link>, presented their view of the Paris Climate Conference and its consequences.This was followed by a question and answer session with guests from the business and social sectors.

Cloud Apéro No.2 and 3

The second Cloud Apéro will take place after the Summer holidays on 31 August and will focus on the effects of the Paris Agreement on the Swiss economy. One renowned name has already been booked. The Cloud Apéro series will conclude on 29 September with a look at the effects on society and the decades-long transformation processes in the company of Swiss and international experts.

<link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">More pictures of the myclimate Cloud Apéro on Facebook</link>

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