PARTNERPORTRAIT RICOTER – Soil makes all the difference

Gardens, balconies or interiors - Plants lend their surroundings a pleasant atmosphere. In addition to proper irrigation, the right soil is essential for healthy plant growth. RICOTER Erdaufbereitung Ltd. from Aarberg has been producing high-quality plant soil since 1981. RICOTER attaches great importance to efficient product cycles using local raw materials and high environmental friendliness. CEO Ulrich Otto Rooms explains the ‘roots’ of the company’s success, its focus on peat and it sustainability philosophy.

RICOTER CEO Ulrich Otto Zimmer and RICOTER testimonial Melanie Oesch

Mr Zimmer, according to your website you started the research and development in 1977, but did not establish RICOTER until four years later. What was your specific approach?

The basic idea behind climatop label for particularly climate-friendly products.

Click <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">here</link> to find out how the myclimate rooftop paradise was created in May 2016 using RICOTER soil.

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