Nepal, India, Thailand and Papua New Guinea. These climate protection projects that were developed by myclimate and WWF reduce CO₂. Furthermore, they contribute locally to ecological and socio-economic development.
"WWF Switzerland has worked together with myclimate for more than seven years not only for the development of compensation projects that focus strongly on the environment, but also for the compensation of WWF operating emissions. In our work together, we have found myclimate to be a responsible and risk-conscious partner", says Christian Som, Senior Manager ClimateBusiness with WWF Switzerland.
The two way relationship will be expanded by a strong third partner through the involvement of Coop. As early as 2007, Coop started compensation part of its emissions incurred through unavoidable air transport, Coop@home deliveries and business travel via the WWF and myclimate climate protection projects. In these projects, more than 130,000 people were able to benefit from the climate protection measures locally, around 2,000 permanent jobs have been created and over 200,000 tonnes of wood have been saved. In addition, over 1,200 hectares of forest in Madagascar and Nepal have been protected, 700 million litres of wastewater have been purified in a climate-friendly manner, and harmful methane gas emissions have been used in biogas plants to produce 20 gigawatt-hours of electricity.
The partnership with myclimate is part of the climate protection work of the WWF. Currently, the WWF is mobilising the Swiss public with its campaign called "Climate protection: black on white". The objective is to refute prejudices against climate protection and draw attention to the opportunities with climate protection.