myclimate “Skills for Future” – Redesigning myclimate’s Longstanding Educational Programme

The longstanding, tried-and-trusted Energy and Climate Laboratory educational programme has had an overhaul, with a realigned concept, and is now known as myclimate “Skills for Future”. The newly designed programme is even more focused on the integration of climate protection into the overall system of vocational education, offering programmes for a variety of stakeholder groups ranging from vocational school classes to professional associations.

Photo: myclimate

Apprenticeships, and the apprentices themselves, as the decision-makers of the future, will play a central role in the transition to a climate-friendly economy. This is why myclimate has spent over 16 years working to raise awareness of climate protection as part of vocational training with its Energy and Climate Laboratory educational programme, offered to vocational schools. This teaches apprentices the skills they need to promote sustainable development in their field of work. 

As climate protection and sustainability continue to increase in importance as part of basic vocational training, leading to changes in requirements, the solution offered by myclimate is developing further in order to keep pace, and the organisation is reacting proactively to these developments with an educational project with a new focus: myclimate Skills for Future. This new concept puts even greater emphasis on the integration of climate protection into the vocational training system as a whole. In addition to the current programme for vocational school classes, which includes various workshop formats, myclimate now offers packages for entire vocational schools, training courses for their teaching staff and training solutions for organisations in the world of work.  

The years of experience and valuable network that myclimate has built up through the Energy and Climate Laboratory will remain available for the Skills for Future programme, and will be extremely useful in putting the project into practice. The new concept is currently undergoing a pilot phase and has already been successfully implemented with the first partners. 

On 19 September 2024, a networking event will take place within the framework of the myclimate Skills for Future programme at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland in Brugg-Windisch. The event will encourage discussion of the systematic integration of climate protection into vocational training and highlight best practices in specific areas. It will be a meeting point for specialists in vocational training from all types of educational institution, as well as for trainees, and is thus ideally suited to those wishing to share ideas with a variety of stakeholder groups on the topic of sustainability and climate protection in the context of vocational training. Among other things, the event will include both job-specific and cross-professional break-out sessions, an awards ceremony for apprentices’ projects from across Switzerland and a variety of specialist input. Further information on the event can be found here.

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