Since the end of June 2009, myclimate has a representative in Japan called <link - external-link-new-window>ECONOS</link> Co.,Ltd. ECONOS is the biggest second-hand retailer in Hokkaido and started their offset program in 2008 when carbon offset started in Japan. It is now the first carbon offset provider in the Japanese market to sell Gold Standard credits to individuals and corporations. "We have to protect our environment for our next generation. We would like to contribute to it through providing myclimate high quality credits in the Japanese market", says Ktsuya Hasegawa, CEO of ECONOS. Also René Estermann, CEO of myclimate, is glad with the new partnership: "We found an ambitious partner that has an excellent network and offcies in Tokyo. There is a huge potential for us with a promising market and high quality conscious customers."
More myclimate representatives.