Using the myclimate vehicle emissions calculator at, users can quickly and easily calculate how much emissions their own vehicle produces. With a further click, the calculated emissions can be offset through high-quality carbon offset projects from myclimate. All offset payments and donations to myclimate can be deducted from taxes. The calculation not only takes into account the direct emissions caused by the combustion of the fuel, but also so-called grey emissions. The latter arise during the production of the vehicle, the provision of the road infrastructure, and the extraction, transport, and processing of the crude oil.
Unfortunately, many public transport users are currently switching back to the car due to the corona pandemic. People are less likely to use public transport because they are unsettled by the virus. This behaviour leads to an increase in the personal CO2 emissions of these people. This is because bus and train are among the most environmentally friendly means of transport. While a passenger car emits on average around 150 g CO2e/person-kilometre, a bus journey generates only 80 g CO2e/person-kilometre. Rail transport generates even less CO2 over short distances at just 58 g CO2e/person-kilometre. It is therefore less harmful to the climate to travel by bus and train than by car or motorcycle. As travellers are asked by public transport to wear a mouth and nose protector, there is not necessarily an increased risk of infection. However, people who cannot or do not want to do without their car, especially in these times, should calculate their emissions and offset them through high-quality myclimate carbon offset projects.
Update: The climate-neutral vehicle stickers will no longer be available after the introduction of the myclimate Impact Label "Engaged for impact" in 2023.