The official <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">COP23 side event</link> was titled "Ready for take-off – Eligibility of offsets for international aviation and the Paris Agreement". myclimate organized the event together with the German organization <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">ClimateNet</link> from Hamburg. The discussion took place on Tuesday, 16th May in the official side event space in the plenary building of the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">World Conference Center Bonn</link>, WCCB 2.
In 2016, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted the industry’s climate protection agreement “Carbon Offset and Reduction Scheme of International Aviation”, <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">CORSIA</link>. From 2020 onwards it covers extensive offsetting for the goal of climate-neutral industry growth. The myclimate side event highlighted technical and administrative challenges and the overall potential of CORSIA. A focus was also set on the selection of the specific projects and criteria for eligibility for the fulfilment of the obligations of CORSIA. Pilot measures and capacity building were also discussed.
Expert panel and livecast
<link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Franzjosef Schafhausen</link>, one of the most distinguished international experts in climate policy acted as the moderator of the discussion. Franzjosef Schafhausen spent many years in the German and EU climate policy. Since 2016, he is also official advisor of myclimate in Germany and in the European Union.
The event started with introductory speeches given by:
- Urs Ziegler, Federal Office for Civil Aviation in Switzerland on CORSIA, its general principles and timelines for implementation;
- myclimate Managing Director René Estermann talking about projects for CORSIA and eligibility/quality requirements for those;
- Axel Michaelowa, Perspectives Climate Group speaking about the role of the CDM for CORSIA and
- Björn Dransfeld (the greenwerk.) with some thoughts about article 6 and CORSIA.
The following panel discussion included Sofia Zoe Rohner, representative of the Lufthansa Group in the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">IATA</link> working group on CORSIA and Marion Verles, CEO of the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Gold Standard Foundation</link> who set a focus on the public perception of climate protection projects for compensation.
The CORSIA implementation gives an huge opportunity for international carbon markets. But, it also could help the whole industry with a new and responsible positioning by not considering the emission reductions as commodity but as an sustainable investment in high quality projects. It could result in a powerful contribution of the whole industry towards the post Paris Agreement world." said René Estermann.
Initial speeches and discussion were broadcasted live on the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Youtube channel of the COP23</link>. Both are available online as audio content and ready for download in the <link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">myclimate CloudCast</link>.
<link - external-link "Opens external link in current window">COP23 Bonn</link>
Diplomats, experts from the scientific community as well as representatives of the media, industry and NGOs met from the 8th May at UNFCCC spring conference in Bonn. This conference is traditionally intended to prepare the work for the official COP23 Conference starting in November. The practical implementation of the Paris Agreement, guidelines on transparency in climate protection and the review process of the National Disclosure Commitment (NDCs) were main topics at the preconference in Bonn. Financing of Climate Protection and Adaptation measures occupied also a large area in the official negotiations.
myclimate in Bonn
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