myclimate Annual Report: Income at a Consistently High Level, Reorientation and High Impact

myclimate, the international climate protection foundation based in Zurich, published its annual report for the 2023 financial year today. Thanks to existing and new partnerships, myclimate was able to maintain turnover at almost the same level as last year’s record high. The areas of Education and Consulting and Solutions continued to show strong growth.

The foundation’s total income in 2023 amounted to 57.5 million Swiss francs. The record income of 59 million Swiss francs reported by myclimate in 2022 represented an increase of 30 per cent at the time. Income from donations and contributions to climate protection totalled 50.8 million Swiss francs, making this still the largest component of revenue. Education recorded double-digit growth with an annual turnover of 1.73 million Swiss francs. In 2022, as part of its own corporate climate strategy, myclimate gradually restructured its educational programme and expanded it to include tailor-made programmes for companies. The area of Consulting and Solutions, which supports companies on the path to net zero, also experienced double-digit percentage growth and, like Education, achieved record turnover, in this case of 3.12 million Swiss francs. Both developments show that local companies are taking their efforts and ambitions seriously and are clearly committed to climate protection, despite the turbulent social and economic situation.

In 2023, companies and private individuals took responsibility for more than 3.3 million tonnes of CO2. At the same time, 2.75 million tonnes of certified carbon emissions reductions were generated from myclimate climate protection projects. Both figures represent a slight decrease compared with the previous record year of 2022. In total, the projects supported by myclimate have saved around 20 million tonnes of CO2 since the foundation was established. In the past financial year, the areas of avoiding greenhouse gas emissions and reducing existing footprints have become increasingly important in corporate carbon climate protection. This trend is clearly reflected in the developments in myclimate’s business areas of Education and Consulting and Solutions.

“We can look back on a successful financial year, despite the changed economic conditions and the shifting focus in the public debate,” says Kathrin Dellantonio, Managing Director of myclimate Switzerland and member of the seven-person myclimate Management Team. “Our task remains to support companies with measures to avoid and reduce their emissions in the short, medium and long terms. At the same time, we are fully committed to taking responsibility for unabatable emissions by supporting climate protection projects that have a direct impact.”

Environmental and Social Impact

In addition, myclimate continued to contribute to global sustainable development in 2023, as expressed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thanks to projects supported by myclimate, 10,900 permanent jobs have been created, 5 million trees have been planted by small farmers, and 85,000 biogas plants have been installed as clean-energy sources. More than 11 million people worldwide have benefited directly from myclimate’s work. In 2023, the calculation principle for the foundation’s own contributions was adjusted. In order to increase the transparency and integrity of its communication and to provide more conservative calculations, myclimate will only report contributions that can be clearly attributed to the foundation’s commitment. For instance, in accordance with the Gold Standard’s reporting suggestions, contributions to SDG 1, “Zero Hunger”, were not reported separately for the previous year.

You can find the full myclimate annual report here.

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