myclimate Annual Report – A Documentary Covering the Tour

"The One and Only", myclimate's unique annual report, was covered from the idea behind until the recent tour through Switzerland and Germany in a movie by the Zurich based agency KSP.

The current myclimate annual report drives the reduction to a maximum: There is only one copy in premium quality. The report can be ordered <link - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">online</link>. It is carbon neutraly delivered and picked up by bike courier or electro car.

Click <link - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">here</link> to watch the movie!

Compared to a standard annual report myclimate saves with "The One and Only" a more than 350 tonnes of CO₂. Although, the unique is special. It is supplied in a protective case made of wood from a myclimate project in Brazil. It includes different types of paper, printing techniques, punches and folds. The book thick specimen was produced by <link - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">„Buchbinderei Burkhardt“</link> from Mönchaltorf.

In the recent months, already more than 40 companies and individuals ordered "The One and Only". Although further orders exist, there is still up the opportunity to borrow the coveted piece until springtime. Just as long also <link - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">the corresponding auction runs</link> on the annual report website. The current highest bid is CHF 700. The proceeds will be reinvested in the course of climate protection.

Responsible for the documentary film:

<link - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">KSP Krieg Schlupp Partner</link>: Benny Goldstein, Flo Wacker (Creative Direction), Christian Stüdi (text), Kevin Zysset (graphics), Flavia Meyer, Marc Gooch (consulting), detail AG (photos), Jyri Pasanen (Director / Editor) Tobias Dengler (camera).

<link - external-link "Öffnet externen Link im aktuellen Fenster">Online version of the myclimate annual report 2013</link>

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