The Young Climathon is a one-day event on 12th of July 2022 at the Mewa Arena, where students from the Mainz partner schools of the 05er Klassenzimmer work on solutions for real climate protection challenges in their region in a group-based project development. The real-life challenges come from 1. FSV Mainz 05, the city of Mainz and other partners who support the implementation and financing of the project and were previously developed together with stakeholders from the municipal or city administration as well as the local economy and myclimate.
«We from the myclimate education team are pleased to be able to start a Young Climathon with Mainz 05 and the city of Mainz and are already looking forward to the students' ideas and solutions», says Thomas Lanners, myclimate education project manager.
In preparation for the Young Climathon, myclimate offers various workshops for teachers and students that introduce the topic and present tried and tested methods of problem analysis and project development. With the knowledge gained from the workshops and their own wishes for a more climate-friendly future, the young climate visionaries go to work during the Young Climathon under the guidance of myclimate's education experts, develop solutions from their perspective and present them to a jury of experts, who then select the best ideas. In a follow-up, these ideas are later examined with all stakeholders with regard to their feasibility.
Having a say for a better tomorrow
«Young people want to have a say in climate policy, they want to actively shape their future and that of the earth. The format of the Young Climathon enables pupils to get actively involved. Climate protection and sustainability are central points in the FSV's self-image and also an important component in the communication of values in our social projects. We want to encourage children and young people to bridge the gap between attitude and behaviour and to actively participate in initiating a social change towards more responsibility for our environment. The Mainz Young Climathon gives young people the opportunity to develop real solutions to real problems in their region and thus make a contribution to a better and more environmentally friendly future - a great campaign that we at Mainz 05 are happy to support», said Dr. Jan Lehmann, commercial director of 1. FSV Mainz 05.
Mainz becomes climate neutral
«In the state capital Mainz, we are pursuing the ambitious goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2035 if possible. This can only succeed if we all work together to achieve it. Especially the inclusion of the education sector and thus of young people, whose future we are talking about today, is essential. I am therefore all the more pleased that we are holding the Young Climathon here in Mainz and thus offering children and young people a platform to actively help shape the future of Mainz», says Janina Steinkrüger, Deputy Mayor, Department V - Environment, Green, Energy and Transport.
Thanks to the supporters
The project is supported and financed by Entega Naturpur Institut gGmbH, the Kömmerling Better World Foundation and the Joachim Herz Foundation. Mainz 05, the city of Mainz and myclimate would like to thank the partners who make the Young Climathon 2022 possible.