Julian, is the myclimate solution not simply an additional cost centre for printing companies, or does it also provide you with economic added value?
The added value is obvious. The Performance Programme is geared towards providing ecological added value to printing customers through climate-neutrality as well as economic added value for the company through efficient CO₂ and resource management for the company. The awareness of customers with regard to climate change and the associated climate protection is continuing to rise. When choosing a service provider from the printing sector, customers are no longer influenced by price alone, but also the attitude of the company towards sustainability together with appropriate communication.
Where is there still potential?
There is still a lot of potential for companies when it comes to reducing their carbon footprints while at the same time saving money. It is important for companies to determine what specific potential exists for them, and how it can be exploited. This can be achieved by, for example, climate-neutrality at the company level, climate-neutral products or resource efficiency.
Companies from the printing and packaging industry should contact you because….
managing a company means: identifying potential, recognising chances and avoiding risks. Climate protection enables companies to act in a sustainable manner, access new customer groups, save resources and, therefore, improve their own carbon footprints. All of these factors make a contribution towards the profitability of a company.
for deeper information contact <link julian.meitanis@myclimate.org - mail "Opens window for sending email">Julian Meitanis</link>