“Gemeinsam, schneller, weiter – further, faster, together! With this <link cop23.unfccc.int - external-link "Opens external link in current window">COP23</link> slogan, those in Bonn take home with them an everyday awareness of the urgency and non-negotiable nature of climate protection, and of the heightened climate protection ambitions, locally and globally”, summarises myclimate managing director René Estermann on his impressions of COP.
Subnational Climate Fund
“From Action to Transaction – Unlocking deal flow for subnational portfolio of low carbon and climate resilient infrastructure projects” – this was the description of the presentation on the <link www.blueorchard.com/new-initiative-foster-low-carbon-climate-resilient-infrastructure-projects-frontier-emerging-markets/ - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Subnational Climate Fund (SnCF)</link> on 14 November. The new fund is an initiative of <link regions20.org - external-link "Opens external link in current window">R20 Regions of Climate Action</link> and is managed by <link www.blueorchard.com - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Blue Orchard</link>. Many important figures were present, including Patricia Espinoza, <link unfccc.int - external-link "Opens external link in current window">UNFCCC</link> General Secretary. Together with <link www.goldstandard.org - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Gold Standard</link>, myclimate checks and measures the projects supported by the Fund with regard to their actual impacts. The premiere took place during the <link worldclimatesummit.org - external-link "Opens external link in current window">World Climate Summit</link> held parallel to COP.
Founding Event for the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions
On 14 November, another high-profile event was on the agenda in Bonn. In Rheinauenpark, the <link alliance.solarimpulse.com/world-alliance - external-link "Opens external link in current window">World Alliance for Efficient Solutions</link> came together for its founding assembly. The new project from Dr Bertrand Piccard has set itself the goal of bringing together more than 1,000 international initiatives. These are intended to show that sustainable and efficient solutions are not only possible – they’re also profitable. myclimate is a <link www.solarimpulse.com/companies/view/foundation-myclimate - external-link "Opens external link in current window">founding member</link> of the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions.
At the four-day myclimate climate protection projects. In advance, Maxi Grebe, Head of Education at myclimate, had given an initial presentation on climate change and climate protection at the official Hack4Climate kick-off event in Zurich.
“There is tremendous potential in revolutionary technologies like the blockchain, especially for a more sustainable economy and society. We are convinced that Hack4Climate will not only create new possible applications on the big stage at COP23, but will also continue to drive them forward”, says René Estermann, CEO of myclimate.
myclimate at COP 23: Side Event on Voluntary Compensation
myclimate Germany CEO Stefan Baumeister took part in an official COP23 side event on the future of voluntary CO₂ offsetting projects. The event was hosted by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment <link www.bmub.bund.de - external-link "Opens external link in current window">(BMUB)</link>. Along with Stefan Baumeister, representatives from BMUB, Gold Standard, <link carbonmarketwatch.org - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Carbon Market Watch</link>, the <link www.merid.org - external-link "Opens external link in current window">Meridian Institute</link> and the <link www.icroa.org - external-link "Opens external link in current window">ICROA</link> discussed the future of the offsetting market under the Paris Agreement, as well as its importance and the challenges associated with it.
For the entire duration of COP 23, myclimate was present at a joint stand in the Bonn Zone exhibitor space, together with the two Swiss foundations<link energy-base.org - external-link "Opens external link in current window"> BASE</link> and <link www.gib-foundation.org/gib-foundation/ - external-link "Opens external link in current window">GIB</link>. For myclimate, the focus was on the key topics of implementation and quality management for the CORSIA climate protection agreement of the aviation industry, MRV (monitoring, reporting and verification) formulas and impact measurements, the future of voluntary compensation projects and globally oriented programmes for knowledge transfer and empowerment.