Climate Education Network „Hot Stuff Climate Net” launched with climate wishes for Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard

The new climate education network “<link _blank external-link-new-window>Hot Stuff Climate Net</link>” was launched today together with a school class from Basel, Switzerland, and in the context of Conference of Sustainable Development Rio+20: Over 250 climate wishes were sent per video to the Swiss delegation in Rio. These wishes are written on postcards and each and every wish comes from another pupil. You can watch <link _blank external-link-new-window>the video</link> online, the postcards are collected on a wall at the conference. The entire postcard project was designed under the motto of Rio+20 “The Future We Want”.

“Hot Stuff Climate Net” addresses young people all around the world. The goal of this initiative is to connect young people globally with, so that they can share their ideas with an impact and support each other in their efforts. The network was designed by the <link _blank>Climate Education Department of myclimate</link>.

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