The Migros Cooperative Association had myclimate calculate the carbon footprints for many of the items in its product range. It was a truly Herculean task, but myclimate computed the carbon footprints for around 900 products in 22 product groups by the end of 2012. The results were published on the <link - external-link-new-window>migipedia webpage</link>.
Carbon footprints cover the entire product lifecycle. By calculating and transparently declaring the carbon footprints for its products, MGB is making good on <link - external-link-new-window>a promise of MGB's Generation M</link>as part of its sustainability strategy.
<link - external-link-new-window>climatop</link>, an independent organization, translates the data into easy-to-understand colour codes so customers can quickly and easily compare the carbon footprints of different products.