
Stay informed and read our news from the year

The framework for Article 6.4 of the Paris Climate Agreement is taking shape, providing clarity for regulating the international UN-based carbon…

The myclimate education team teaches and raises awareness among young apprentices and pupils at various ages and stages. These young people are…

In our “Climate Talk” interview series, we let people who are actively engaged in and inspired by climate protection have their say. In our…

The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund, which myclimate manages on behalf of Swiss Olympic, has been recognised with a Climate Action Award 2024 by the…

Project manager Michèle Fasnacht from the myclimate education team had the honour of training managers at Zweifel Pomy‑Chips AG on climate protection.…

Even though we should try to keep our consumption to a minimum, the occasional trip to the recycling centre is unavoidable. Big Sack offers a…

The longstanding, tried-and-trusted Energy and Climate Laboratory educational programme has had an overhaul, with a realigned concept, and is now…

In 2024, we are spotlighting people who are committed to climate protection and whose actions can serve as an inspiration for others. We are delighted…

The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund has been developed and refined into a sophisticated instrument for climate protection. With this funding model, the…

Climate financing is a topic that receives a great deal of attention, often under critical scrutiny. This debate is beneficial, and we appreciate it…

International forest projects have received a lot of attention in recent years. Somewhat unnoticed, myclimate has launched three pioneering carbon…

Solar-power pioneer Louis Palmer visits and promotes climate protection projects all over the world with his Solar Butterfly initiative. To this end,…

The EU supply chain law (CSDDD) is designed to promote sustainable and responsible business practices. Germany’s abstention from the EU vote is…

After a discussion about Taylor Swift’s flight activity and the resulting CO2 footprint broke out on, various Reddit…

myclimate has analysed the study published in Nature Sustainability by Gill-Wiehl, Kammen, and Haya on the effectiveness of cookstove projects and the…

The myclimate Company Challenge educational programme was carried out for the first time with the help of specialists and managers and involving the…

Soil stores three times more carbon than the atmosphere – if you let it. This makes it a natural carbon sink. But it presents land managers with…

The climate conference in Dubai (COP28) marked a turning point in global climate policy: for the first time, a gradual move away from the use of…

myclimate is now an associate member of the European Outdoor Group (EOG), the industry association for European outdoor companies. Following on from…

myclimate supports both the German Ice Hockey League (PENNY DEL) and the Cologne Sharks in achieving their sustainability criteria. Daniel Schultes,…

Last Saturday Zurich’s Maison Shift opened its doors for Secondhand Day 2023, inviting visitors to experience the fascination of second-hand shopping…

Climate protection is complex, and has to be considered from every angle. That’s why myclimate uses climate strategy consulting to support companies…

The European Commission has adopted the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which are at the heart of the Corporate Sustainability…

The winning entry in the school competition staged as part of the Energy and Climate Pioneers 2.0 programme goes to grade 5/6 of the Pfrundmatt school…

Just 1 % of the world’s population accounts for as much aviation CO2 as the remaining 99 %. And all air travel causes massive climate damage. Many…

Sports4Trees is a campaign run by the German association Sports for Future to promote forest protection and reforestation in sub-Saharan Africa. The…

Gadget abc Entertainment Group AG, which runs OpenAir St.Gallen among other things, is joining forces with myclimate to develop a broad climate…

Christof Fuchs is the man entrusted with the development of myclimate gGmbH in Austria, which was newly established in January 2022. The new Managing…

The owner-managed company Riegel Biowein has been importing international wines exclusively from organic cultivation since 1985. Meanwhile, the…

The topic of climate protection is becoming increasingly important in the sports industry. The possibilities to save and avoid CO2 are enormous. For…

The Foundation myclimate recently achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification for its quality management system. The certification issued by well-known…

The Race for Nature will be held in Arosa from 15 to 18 March. The Swiss premium hotel group the Tschuggen Collection is hosting a three-day event in…

myclimate is ending the year 2022 with a bang: as the first climate protection organisation to do so, we are offering our customers a label that is…

Amidst multiple global crises and a controversial lead-up to COP27, myclimate sent a team of climate experts to Egypt to observe negotiations, events…

With Lorenz Lehmann, myclimate's top management body gains an experienced lawyer who has been active in sustainability consulting for over 20 years.…

At myclimate Germany, Sven Focken-Kremer has joined the marketing team as project manager for communications. In our short interview, he talks about…

The Energy and Climate Laboratory, the nationwide myclimate education competition for trainees and apprentices from Switzerland and the Principality…

Energy is growing scarce, and Switzerland needs to do all it can to conserve it. A water-saving shower head helps save energy and water, and in turn…

Fourteen years after the last national camp, 30,000 scouts gathered in Upper Valais this summer to spend two eventful weeks together in a spectacular…

The summer holiday season is over – but the next holiday is undoubtedly not far away. The Interhome Group, provider of holiday homes and subsidiary of…

Stay informed!