
Stay informed and read our news from the year

The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund has been developed and refined into a sophisticated instrument for climate protection. With this funding model, the…

Climate financing is a topic that receives a great deal of attention, often under critical scrutiny. This debate is beneficial, and we appreciate it…

The newly launched myclimate education product for companies is aimed at specialist and management staff, a key target group. Employees often know…

International forest projects have received a lot of attention in recent years. Somewhat unnoticed, myclimate has launched three pioneering carbon…

myclimate presented the coveted myclimate Awards to pioneering companies and organisations from the industry at the International Tourism Exchange in…

The EU supply chain law (CSDDD) is designed to promote sustainable and responsible business practices. Germany’s abstention from the EU vote is…

When it comes to choosing a career path, professions such as environmental scientist, gardener or recyclist are the ones perceived as typically green…

myclimate has analysed the study published in Nature Sustainability by Gill-Wiehl, Kammen, and Haya on the effectiveness of cookstove projects and the…

The Foundation myclimate has decided to discontinue the automated awarding of its “Engaged for Impact” label at the end of December. Until now,…

Soil stores three times more carbon than the atmosphere – if you let it. This makes it a natural carbon sink. But it presents land managers with…

The partnership between YES and myclimate to promote sustainable business management among school pupils was significantly expanded for the 2023/2024…

myclimate is now an associate member of the European Outdoor Group (EOG), the industry association for European outdoor companies. Following on from…

On 12 September, myclimate presented the prizes for the best projects by apprentices and secondary school pupils who had taken part in the…

Last Saturday Zurich’s Maison Shift opened its doors for Secondhand Day 2023, inviting visitors to experience the fascination of second-hand shopping…

myclimate has announced plans to introduce a new leadership structure. From October, the seven members of the existing Management Committee will…

The European Commission has adopted the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which are at the heart of the Corporate Sustainability…

The beloved Swiss herbal cough drops are soothing for the throat and voice. A family business based in Laufen in Basel, Ricola has become a global…

Just 1 % of the world’s population accounts for as much aviation CO2 as the remaining 99 %. And all air travel causes massive climate damage. Many…

For the first time since 2019, myclimate attended the ITB travel trade show in Berlin in person. While there, the climate protection organisation…

Gadget abc Entertainment Group AG, which runs OpenAir St.Gallen among other things, is joining forces with myclimate to develop a broad climate…

Finally the time had come: Exactly 425 days after his first idea for the breathtaking world record, Frank Noe was able to take off on 20 February…

The owner-managed company Riegel Biowein has been importing international wines exclusively from organic cultivation since 1985. Meanwhile, the…

Last month, local councillors met with 30 pupils from secondary schools in Zurich to discuss how young people and politicians can work together for…

The Foundation myclimate recently achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification for its quality management system. The certification issued by well-known…

Creditplus Bank AG, headquartered in Stuttgart, wants to significantly reduce its carbon footprint. To this end, it has set out together with…

myclimate is ending the year 2022 with a bang: as the first climate protection organisation to do so, we are offering our customers a label that is…

More and more companies are recognising the importance of operational climate protection measures. This has not only ecological but also economic…

With Lorenz Lehmann, myclimate's top management body gains an experienced lawyer who has been active in sustainability consulting for over 20 years.…

Already considered the world’s most sustainable telecommunications provider, Swisscom has also set itself some extremely strict climate targets for…

The Energy and Climate Laboratory, the nationwide myclimate education competition for trainees and apprentices from Switzerland and the Principality…

Many people in Eastern Uganda still depend on open and unsafe water sources like lakes and rivers often leading to diseases like diarrhea, typhoid or…

Fourteen years after the last national camp, 30,000 scouts gathered in Upper Valais this summer to spend two eventful weeks together in a spectacular…

myclimate is supporting the Swiss environment activist Louis Palmer with his latest project “SolarButterfly”, a solar-powered tiny-house trailer with…

Right on time for the start of the summer holidays, the finalists of the first myclimate travel competition “Shape Your Trip” – an informative…

The climate crisis, the loss of biodiversity and pandemics all have the same cause: the destruction of nature. To counteract this trend, we are…

myclimate and the Gstaad Menuhin Festival & Academy have agreed a partnership for a long-term sustainability strategy. The goal is to calculate the…

myclimate is supporting the Swiss environmental activist Louis Palmer in his newest project “Solar Butterfly”. The goal of Solar Butterfly is to…

The EU wants to become the first climate-neutral continent. The goal: greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. The German government wants to achieve it…

At the end of February, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published its second partial report. It warns of the great risks that delays in…

Stay informed!