Project manager Michèle Fasnacht from the myclimate education team had the honour of training managers at Zweifel Pomy‑Chips AG on climate protection.…
Even though we should try to keep our consumption to a minimum, the occasional trip to the recycling centre is unavoidable. Big Sack offers a…
The longstanding, tried-and-trusted Energy and Climate Laboratory educational programme has had an overhaul, with a realigned concept, and is now…
In 2024, we are spotlighting people who are committed to climate protection and whose actions can serve as an inspiration for others. We are delighted…
myclimate has analysed the study published in Nature Sustainability by Gill-Wiehl, Kammen, and Haya on the effectiveness of cookstove projects and the…
The myclimate Company Challenge educational programme was carried out for the first time with the help of specialists and managers and involving the…
The European Commission has adopted the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), which are at the heart of the Corporate Sustainability…
The winning entry in the school competition staged as part of the Energy and Climate Pioneers 2.0 programme goes to grade 5/6 of the Pfrundmatt school…
Fourteen years after the last national camp, 30,000 scouts gathered in Upper Valais this summer to spend two eventful weeks together in a spectacular…
The summer holiday season is over – but the next holiday is undoubtedly not far away. The Interhome Group, provider of holiday homes and subsidiary of…
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