
Stay informed and read our news from the year

In an article published in the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger at the end of January, the effectiveness of climate protection projects was discussed…

myclimate is a co-signatory of the open letter from the NGO Carbon Market Watch, which calls for credible and effective climate protection measures…

In order to strengthen trust in genuine climate protection projects, and consequently in binding standards and independent government controls,…

Swiss Youth Hostels has been working with myclimate since 2007 and was one of the first members of the myclimate "Cause We Care" programme. Their…

With its cross-border agroforestry support programme, myclimate brings climate protection right to your doorstep. Our new video shows how the…

Our climate-friendly greenhouse heating support programme has been extended! Register today and benefit from additional support for renewable heating…

The Swiss Olympic Climate Fund was launched in 2023. It is a sophisticated mechanism that brings climate protection and sport together. The Swiss…

Fröhlich AG and myclimate have been working in successful partnership since 2009. This year, once again, Fröhlich has had its carbon footprint…

myclimate, the international climate protection foundation based in Zurich, published its annual report for the 2023 financial year today. Thanks to…

myclimate is terminating its partnership with the climate protection project Biogas Sector Partnership in Nepal due to reporting irregularities.…

In 2024, we are spotlighting people who are committed to climate protection and whose actions can serve as an inspiration for others. We are delighted…

A day full of innovations and joint efforts for Swiss tourism: At the myclimate «Cause We Care» partner event, partners from all over Switzerland came…

In December 2022, myclimate launched the Engaged for Impact label. The label offers companies the opportunity to communicate their commitment to…

The international logistics service provider Dachser, the children’s rights organisation terre des hommes and myclimate are joining forces in a…

In 2024, we are spotlighting people who are committed to climate protection and whose actions can serve as an inspiration for others. We are delighted…

In February, Dr Christian Eichert will take over as Head of the Consulting and Solutions at myclimate Germany. Before taking on this post at…

The German Football Association (DFB) is starting the year by expanding its commitment to climate protection in football together with myclimate. The…

Cracking Asphalt to Protect the Climate – In 2024, we are spotlighting people who are committed to climate protection and whose actions can serve as…

Quality and trust have never been more important: Climate protection is under critical scrutiny. That’s good. The climate can benefit if the debate…

myclimate has expanded and updated its online flight calculator. For around twenty years, people interested in climate protection have been able to…

Together with the German Football Association (DFB), myclimate is working on a free climate calculator for amateur football clubs. The new calculator…

Muttenz, 28 September 2023: Once again, we have recognized the best projects of the year as part of the nationwide myclimate education competition for…

In order to achieve the necessary speed in climate protection, solutions must be integrated into all processes from the outset at industry level.…

The SRF Investigativ research team has published a detailed report on the myclimate project “Community Reforestation in Nicaragua”. It was also…

Foundation myclimate is publishing its annual report 2022. In the last year, revenues rose by 32 per cent to almost 60 million Swiss francs. Through…

Support people, projects, and ideas that help shape the future: That is how Rotary International aims to become socially responsible. Now, the global…

myclimate will be present at the sports business conference "SPOBIS" in Düsseldorf! From Wednesday, May 31 to Thursday, June 1, industry and climate…

Kathrin Dellantonio has been the head of myclimate Switzerland since September 2022. The South Tyrolean has been with myclimate almost since the…

The renowned travel podcast ReisenReisen and myclimate have been working together since 2021. The goal: to raise awareness of sustainable and…

In the myclimate climate education programme Young Climathon young people find climate protection solutions for real problems of regional partners…

Since 1 January 2023, Wacker Neuson has offered the option for customers to rent – or even buy – construction machinery with a contribution to climate…

The recent myclimate webinar entitled “What is the new myclimate impact label” was a great success. The aim of the event was to describe the newly…

The myclimate Foundation Board has kicked off 2023 with a change: Urs Ziegler is the new Chairman of the Foundation Board, Claudia Keller-Lüthi the…

"Energy and Climate Pioneers 2.0" is the name of the new educational offer from myclimate. It enables students of the 5th - 8th grade a project-based…

In November, the myclimate team planted trees in various forests in Switzerland and Germany to mark the organisation’s 20th anniversary. This gave…

The Foundation myclimate has been an active supporter of climate protection for no fewer than 20 years. Once a start-up project by an ETH student…

Comparing prices for upcoming trips is often standard. But customers who also want to find out or even compare the carbon footprint of their vacation…

Preparations are in full swing for the spectacular crossing of the Alps in a hot air balloon. myclimate supports the project initiator and cycling…

myclimate is adopting a new organisational structure in response to strong growth in Switzerland and Germany and the new Austria business unit that…

The Allgäu is to become climate neutral. To this end, the Energy and Environmental Center Allgäu (short: eza!) has launched the project «Climate…

Stay informed!