According to one estimate, around 5.5 billion people worldwide will have internet access in 2024. Every single search query, every streamed video and every type of cloud computing, carried out billions of times, is responsible for an ever-increasing global demand for energy - and therefore also for rising CO₂ emissions. The majority of the digital footprint is caused by video streaming due to the large amounts of video data. In comparison, using a search engine or sending text-only emails only has a minor impact.
Due to constant technological progress, efficiency improvements, changing consumer habits and substitution and summation effects, it is difficult to precisely quantify the exact share of digital emissions in global CO₂ emissions. Various studies estimate the share to be between 1.5 and 4 per cent, which equates to the emissions of the entire aviation industry.
Direct effects include the environmental impact caused by the production, use and disposal of digital technologies. The information and communication technology sector is currently responsible for around 1.5 - 4 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions are mainly caused by networks, data centres and end devices.
Indirect effects refer to changes in processes through digital applications that can reduce or increase environmental impacts in other sectors. For example, information and communication technology applications in Switzerland could potentially save up to 50 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalents by 2030 by enabling more efficient processes and technologies.
[1] Estimate of the number of Internet users worldwide for the years 2005 to 2023
[2] Lean ICT Report
[3] Am I ruining the climate with digitalisation?
[4] Factcheck: What is the carbon footprint of streaming video on Netflix?
[5] Digital media consumption and its environmental impact
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