Can I be sure that my money really reduces the promised amount of CO₂?

myclimate invests exclusively in projects that deliver measurable and long-term success. Only emissions reductions that have actually been realised and can be proven over a longer contract term of 7 to 14 years are counted in energy projects. Contributions to climate protection made to myclimate are generally paid out to the supported projects after the services have been rendered. The contribution amount depends on the volume of the project’s greenhouse gas reduction. Land use and forestry projects (agriculture, moorland, forest) are a speciality, as they naturally have a longer time horizon of 30 to 50 years.

All of our climate protection projects follow strict quality standards. This ensures reliable monitoring of the CO₂ reductions realised by the projects. myclimate thus stands for outstanding transparency and effective resource utilisation.

Both myclimate and external, independent audits guarantee customers that the emission reductions achieved in energy projects will be realised and decommissioned in the climate protection projects within three years at the latest. Carbon storage in Land Use and forests occurs within 30 to 50 years, depending on the project region and tree species. There are comprehensive, special mechanisms in place to monitor the reductions achieved in forestry.


You can find further exciting information on the subject of climate change and climate protection in our climate booklet

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