Training Courses For Teachers


How can the topic of climate change be conveyed in an inspiring way that focuses on solutions? What options do we have to protect the climate? How can we motivate ourselves and others to play an active role in this?

The training courses from myclimate offer you and your team the opportunity to discover how much you can achieve and how effective you can be when it comes to climate protection in a school or professional environment. The courses are led by our experts on your organisation’s own premises. They teach you practical tools, skills and creative ideas that you can put into practice straightaway. 

We can also tailor the course to the needs of your team upon request.  

I’m very motivated and will be putting as much of this into my lessons as possible. This training course has given me inspiration, motivation and enthusiasm about the issue.

Damiana Vorburger, secondary school teacher

Educational Programmes

Workshops for your Employees

We offer a variety of workshop formats to incorporate the topic of climate change and climate protection into the daily working lives of your employees.


Support climate education

Support the climate education offered by myclimate, benefit from myclimate’s public image and generate positive publicity about specific local commitments.

More information

As well as the training courses tailored specially for companies, myclimate also offers additional modules. 

View all our courses




Contact us!

Anita von Däniken

Team Leader Primary and Secondary Schools

+41 44 500 43 50

Stay informed!