Young Climathon

Audience seated in a large hall listening to a presentation with a red background image.

Target group: Secondary Schools

Young Climathon is a cross-sector climate education programme that links regional partners from administration and business with school classes from 10th grade onwards. The common goal: to plan and implement concrete climate protection measures in a municipality.

What does this programme achieve?

myclimate works with actors from the administration and the local economy (challenge donors) to develop real problems (challenges) for which solutions are sought. Typical areas for challenges are, for example, mobility, energy and resource efficiency or nutrition. These challenges are then concretised in cooperation with the teachers of the participating schools in such a way that they are relevant, tangible and interesting for the everyday life of the learners in terms of objectives and possible actions.


From the idea to the project

For example, the still abstract challenge "Quality before quantity: How can consumers be motivated to buy more sustainable products?" becomes the challenge with the topic "What motivates us young people from the region to buy clothes from sustainable production? The school teams then develop ideas for projects in groups of five with the support of myclimate and the teachers (coaches) over a period of about two months, which can solve the respective challenge. At the subsequent central one-day challenge event, the pupils present their project ideas to a jury of challenge donors. The best projects are awarded prizes and implemented after the Challenge event. During the implementation, the representatives of the challenge donors act as mentors for the participants.


The Young Climathon gives young people the opportunity to develop real solutions to real problems in their region and thus contribute to a better and more environmentally friendly future - a great campaign that we at Mainz 05 are happy to support.

Dr. Jan Lehmann, CFO of Bundesliga Football Club 1. FSV Mainz 05


The learning objectives at a glance

The Young Climathon follows the principle of solution-based learning, according to which learners are expected to find a solution to a given problem largely on their own and arrive at the solution in a self-directed, interdisciplinary and discovery-based manner. In addition, various competences of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) are promoted, including taking responsibility and using spaces for action, networked thinking, developing visions for the future and changing perspectives.

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