Shape Your Trip

Two people are looking at a physical map. One person points to a specific point or route on the map, perhaps to plan a route or identify their current location. The map is detailed, with roads and terrain features.

Target group: Pupils and teachers at upper secondary level (grammar and vocational schools) aged 14 and over

Offer: Workshops including a competition for class and individual trips, online learning module and travel calculator

Would you like to address the topic of sustainability with your class using the specific example of travel? In our workshop (two to four lessons), we discuss needs while travelling, compare different means of transport in terms of their CO₂ emissions and delve into our online content.  In further training sessions, we show you how to use our digital learning module and the travel calculator for yourself.

What does this programme achieve?

Pupils, vocational school students and teachers actively shape society by travelling in a climate-friendly way and choosing and organising sustainable activities, catering and accommodation during their trips.

Specific benefits

Participants in the workshop…

A blue icon of a crossed wrench and screwdriver, symbolizing tools or repairs.

…will become familiar with the learning module and travel calculator tools and know how they can travel more sustainably.  

A blue icon of a head outline with a leaf inside, symbolizing mindfulness and environmental sustainability.

…will consciously reflect on their needs before travelling.

A blue icon of a high-speed train, symbolizing sustainable mobility and eco-friendly transportation.

…will choose more climate-friendly means of transport for their trips. 

A blue icon of a simple house, symbolizing a home or residence.

…will take environmental and social criteria into account when choosing accommodation, meals and activities. 

A blue icon of a mountain, symbolizing nature or the Alps.

…will increase their travel locally and not view sustainable travel as a sacrifice. 


Register now for our training programme

Book a workshop

Young people today are faced with a dilemma: How can they satisfy their travelling needs and at the same time take responsibility for the environmental consequences? The aim of the Shape Your Trip educational programme is to help tackle this challenge and empower young adults to travel more sustainably without calling this cultural and social achievement into question.

In workshops, we get to the bottom of the questions of what pupils want from their holidays and how they can travel from A to B in a more climate-friendly way. Young people learn how to use the online tools created by myclimate to plan their holidays based on facts. These young people can submit their sustainable travel plans to our travel competition and win spending money for their trip at the same time.

Our digital learning module on sustainable travel is perfectly suited to self-study or blended learning (three to four 45-minute lessons). You can use and distribute the learning module freely. With the travel calculator, you can calculate and analyse the climate impact of your trip yourself.


With the Shape Your Trip teacher training programme, we also provide teachers with the know-how to use the online module in their lessons. 

With this educational offer, we inspire young people to actively reflect on their travel behaviour and at the same time take the climate into consideration. 

I was really impacted seeing that aeroplanes are so much more harmful to the environment than other means of transport. The project is very attractive and is very relevant to the pupils’ current lives. It makes dealing with the topic of sustainability creative and fun.

Rebekka Dettwiler, general education teacher, Technische Berufsschule Zürich (Zurich Technical Vocational School)

SDG contributions 

The Shape your Trip programme contributes to SDG targets 4, 11, 12 and 13. Read more in our FAQ.

 An open book with a pencil above it, symbolizing education.

This programme conveys the necessary knowledge about sustainable travel.

 A stylized city with buildings and a tree, representing sustainable cities and communities.

Sustainable tourism practices outlined in this programme contribute actively to the protection of cultural and natural heritage.

An infinity loop representing sustainable consumption and production.

This programme shows how sustainable tourism can respect local cultures and minimise resource consumption.

A globe with weather and climate symbols representing climate action.

This programme raises travellers’ awareness of sustainable travel options and helps them to reduce their environmental footprint.


pupils have taken part in workshops (2019–2023)


teachers have been reached through further training


young people have taken part in the travel competition


people have used the online learning module and the travel calculator

Our sponsors and partners

Logo of Energy Switzerland, featuring a stylized orange sun on the left and the text "energieschweiz" in dark blue on the right.
Green Vacay logo with "green" in light green and "vacay" in dark green, with the "y" designed as a leaf.
Logo of the Temperatio Foundation featuring the word "temperatio" in grey, with the text "Foundation for Environment, Social Affairs, Culture" below in smaller font.

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