Target group: Apprentices training in the company
Offer: Five- to eight-month modular project competition including a presentation and implementation within the companyThe myclimate Company Challenge is a modular vocational education programme. It enables your apprentices to develop specific climate protection projects in their working environment. This gives your apprentices valuable expertise on climate protection and project management and strengthens your company’s commitment to sustainability.
The Company Challenge provides your apprentices with the necessary knowledge, skills and willingness to contribute to and succeed in their future role as professionals in an economy with the target of net zero.
Specific benefits
Develop apprentices’ skills (compatible with various educational plans).
Create opportunities to experience self-efficacy and empowerment.
Strengthen your position in recruitment and promotion of young talent.
Promote effective climate protection action and visibility of sustainability and vocational training work.
Content for storytelling on climate protection, sustainability and vocational training.
The myclimate Company Challenge is a modular vocational education programme. It enables your apprentices to plan and implement effective sustainability projects. Over the course of this process, they gain valuable skills and can make a material contribution to your company.
Apprentices first receive an introduction from myclimate, before independently developing ideas and projects to enhance sustainability and climate protection at your company – supported by ad-hoc input from myclimate, too. These ideas and projects are assessed by an in-house jury, with the best projects recognised at an awards ceremony.
We see sustainability as a path that we consistently follow. That is why it is also part of our strategy. At IGP, we attach great importance to raising employee awareness. Together with myclimate, we offer our youngest generation, the apprentices, the opportunity to work on sustainability projects in order to raise awareness of sustainability.
During my apprenticeship at IGP, I was able to acquire a sustainable focus with the apprentice project with myclimate. This perspective is still present in my daily work in the area of raw materials and shapes the way I work. I am convinced that the collaboration with myclimate in training will have a big impact on our future workforce, just as it had a big impact on me.
How your company benefits from the myclimate Company Challenge
At Dätwyler, we specifically promote knowledge and skills for climate protection in our vocational training programmes. Thanks to the myclimate Company Challenge, our apprentices were able to deepen their understanding of the climate and use their project management skills to develop and partially implement their own impressive sustainability projects. myclimate got our youngest employees excited about this important topic.
How the participating trainees benefit from the myclimate Company Challenge
Example process of a Company Challenge
The Company Challenge for Apprentices programme contributes to SDG targets 4, 8, 12 and 13. Read more in our FAQ.
This programme teaches practical climate protection skills and fosters the ability to play an active role in shaping sustainable development in vocational training.
Apprentices’ awareness of resource-conserving practices and sustainable consumption and production patterns in their company is strengthened.
The programme enables apprentices to acquire relevant climate protection skills in order to develop and implement sustainable practices in their professional environment.
Through their own projects, apprentices learn to take active climate protection measures for their company.