Jobs for Future

Two young people and a project manager from myclimate are sitting at a table in a brightly lit classroom. They seem to be concentrating as they bend over school materials spread out on the table together. The girl in the centre is writing or drawing something.

Target group: Pupils in Years 7 to 9 (ages 12–15) and in secondary schools

Offer: online learning platform with learning module, teaching materials and background knowledge

Would you like to link education for sustainable development (ESD) with career choices in your lessons? The career perspective gives young people a new personal connection with sustainability topics. They can discover new careers through an environmental perspective. Use the online platform and additional didactic materials. 

What does this programme achieve?

Young people discover opportunities to make an impact within the workplace. This gives them a new perspective on choosing a career, but also on their own potential to help shape a sustainable world.

Specific benefits

A blue icon of a globe, symbolizing globality or worldwide connectivity.

Learning environment that can be explored independently

A blue icon of a check mark, symbolizing confirmation or task completion.

Fully prepared teaching unit

A blue icon of two shaking hands, symbolizing collaboration or an agreement.

Didactic support for linking sustainability topics and career choices

A blue icon of a head with a leaf inside, symbolizing mindfulness and sustainable thinking.

Systematic approach to the links between careers and sustainability

Jobs for Future aims to show young people their potential impact on sustainable development in various occupational fields. This new perspective can increase young people’s motivation for the process of choosing a career. It presents them with new options to take action in their dream job and broadens their view of professions that they may have yet to discover. On the Jobs for Future platform, you will find a learning environment with supporting teaching materials for exploring precisely this perspective. The offer is free of charge and suitable for pupils in Years 7 to 9 (ages 12–15) and in secondary schools. 

With Jobs for Future, myclimate also shows lower-achieving pupils where and how they can actively support sustainability in their professional lives. Highly recommended. 

Teacher from Basel

Would you like more information on the Jobs for Future content? Click here to visit the platform


SDG contributions 

The Jobs for Future programme contributes to SDG targets 4, 8, 11 and 13. Read more in our FAQ.

Ensure inclusive, equitable, and high-quality education for all.

Jobs for Future strengthens the dual education pathway by discovering opportunities for self-efficacy in vocational training.

Promote sustainable economic growth and ensure decent working conditions.

The programme gives pupils a more nuanced view of work and the economy. They develop ways to strengthen sustainability in these areas.

A stylized city with buildings and a tree, representing sustainable cities and communities.

Through the programme, pupils recognise specific fields of action for the design of sustainable living spaces through various professions.

A globe with weather and climate symbols representing climate action.

The programme offers a new approach to personal efficacy in the field of climate protection.


users of the learning environment


classes involved in the development


years running the project 

Our sponsors and partners

Logo of the Mercator Switzerland Foundation with the text "Stiftung Mercator Schweiz" in red capital letters on a white background.
Logo of the Ernst Göhner Foundation featuring the text "Ernst Göhner Stiftung" in blue capital letters on a white background.
Logo of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) featuring the Swiss emblem, a white cross on a red shield, with the multilingual text "Swiss Confederation" in German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Below is the text "Federal Office for the Environment FOEN" in black.
Logo of the Georg and Bertha Schwyzer-Winiker Foundation with the text "Georg and Bertha" at the top, "Schwyzer-Winiker" bold and underlined in the middle, and "Foundation" at the bottom.
Swiss Life logo featuring a red, wavy symbol with a small white cross inside, above the black "SwissLife" text.

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