Target group: Secondary school pupils
Offer: Support in designing and implementing their own climate protection projects over the course of a school year. Kick-off event, discussion evening with politicians, award ceremony.With the Future Workshop, high school students become active themselves and realise their own projects to achieve the net zero strategy for their city or region. This strengthens their self-efficacy, brings a breath of fresh air to the city/region and supports teachers in integrating project-orientated lessons. A win-win situation for everyone!
Young people are empowered to formulate desired changes based on their own visions for the future and to develop suitable measures to initiate them. They contribute to the implementation of their region's net-zero strategy with their own project in cooperation with other organisations.
Specific benefits
…gain in-depth knowledge about climate protection, climate strategies and climate policy with a focus on their town/region
…experience climate protection as an opportunity and develop their own positive visions.
…analyse obstacles and opportunities for more climate-friendly behaviour and learn about different options for action
…experience self-efficacy in a project of their own, develop project management skills and strengthen team spirit, a sense of responsibility and personal initiative.
…receive recognition and celebrate their own successes at the award ceremony
The Future Workshop is dedicated to actively discussing various solutions instead of passively communicating the problems. We want to encourage and empower young people with a vision of the future to make a specific impact on it. They can clearly see that their commitment has an impact, giving them the chance to experience climate protection in a positive way. The introductory kick-off day is packed with tried-and-tested methods and tools that promote systemic and innovative thinking. We deliberately focus on topics that are within young people’s scope of action (e.g. consumption, nutrition and travel). The programme is curriculum-compliant, politically neutral, action-oriented and based on the latest findings in climate communication and didactics. It is designed to complement the school curriculum, is based on specific principles of education for sustainable development (ESD) and offers clear added value to regular lessons through methodological diversity and expert knowledge.
The Future Workshop is currently offered in the following regions:
The opinions, ideas and wishes of young people are key to tackling major challenges. It is very important to give them space. For the pupils, this commitment is especially valuable for their personal development.
Taking action yourself is the best way to combat frustrating climate news! And you even learn a lot of skills for later life.
Here, every hour is invested in the future instead of being wasted!
This is an opportunity for pupils to work together on a larger project and develop new skills. They focus on solutions and action in relation to climate change instead of feeling helpless.
Would you like to organise a future workshop for secondary school students in your region?
Get in touch with us!
The Future Workshop programme contributes to SDG targets 4, 12, 13 and 17. Read more in our FAQ.
The Future Workshop promotes young people’s understanding of sustainable development in their own region by enabling them to acquire in-depth knowledge of climate protection targets and measures and learn how to actively promote a sustainable future.
The project shows pupils how their decisions and actions can contribute to a more sustainable society.
The programme contributes to strengthening climate literacy by empowering pupils to see climate protection as an opportunity and encouraging them to develop their own projects that contribute to their region’s net-zero target.
By networking pupils with other organisations and stakeholders, the educational programme promotes effective partnerships and cooperation that are essential for the implementation of climate protection measures.