Consulting on Science-based Targets (SBT)

myclimate offers solutions that are in harmony with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). These solutions ensure that the CO₂ reduction targets and measures of a company are in line with the targets of the Paris Agreement. At the start of every integrated climate strategy, specific targets are jointly defined for greenhouse gas management and system limits.

myclimate creates science-based targets for your company. These targets are based on internationally recognised standards, as well as the criteria and specifications of the Science Based Targets initiative an its Net-Zero Standard. The corporate targets can be subsequently verified by the SBTi and also communicated on the initiative’s platform. myclimate prepares the documents required for this and guides you through the process until verification has been completed. myclimate can review your existing climate targets with little effort by means of a quick check for conformity with the SBTi criteria.

Science-based targets must cover scope 1 and 2 in accordance with Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard. If scope 3 emissions cover more than 40% of its overall emissions, targets must also cover scope 3.

The basis on which your science-based targets are developed is your company’s full greenhouse gas footprint in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The data that is required for such a Company Carbon Footprint (CCF) can be recorded via myclimate smart 3 – a web-based platform for standardised carbon footprinting. Recurring data recording, within the context of your annual monitoring for instance, can easily be realised in the same tool.


Measures in your supply chain, with your customers and with your employees

Climate targets that are in harmony with the 1.5°C goal and that have been verified by the SBTi prove your company’s credible commitment to the climate and the limiting of global warming. However, effective climate protection in a company involves more than just CO2 reduction targets. It also requires specific measures so that the targets that have been set can be achieved within the targeted timeframe.

myclimate also supports you with the identification and development of such reduction measures. For this purpose, myclimate offers a broad range of options, such as the establishment of climate protection programs in your own value chain (insetting), the establishment of company support programmes, and the evaluation of technical measures or of projects and actions in your supply chain, among your customers or among your staff. myclimate creates concepts for you and assists you with carrying out all aspects of creation, establishment, checking and development for your climate strategy.


Get in touch with our representitive below to set your science-based targets!

This product is a component of the climate strategy
To the climate strategy

FAQ: What are Science-Based Targets (SBT)?

SBTs are a way for companies to define emissions reduction targets. Unlike traditional “potential-based targets”, SBTs follow a “top-down” approach: they focus on the quantity of emissions that needs to be reduced in order to meet the targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement, limiting global warming to 1.5°C. In addition, the Net-Zero Standard, launched in October 2021, gives companies a science-based framework for defining ambitious and effective climate targets with a long-term goal of achieving net-zero emissions.

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Contact us!

Dr. Bettina Kahlert

Senior Expert Climate Strategy Consulting and Science-Based Targets

+41 44 500 43 50

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