All CO₂-relevant activities and material flows in your company are documented on an annual basis. The web-based myclimate EcoCloud sustainability software supports efficient and structured data collection. The software allows you to calculate your carbon footprint and manage the performance of your resources and CO₂-relevant activities.
Besides the annual evaluation of all relevant data (carbon footprint), a benchmark report provides insights into your company’s position in the market. At the same time, it is proof of performance and serves as the basis for communication with end customers.
In addition to carbon footprinting, you can support myclimate climate protection projects in proportion to your company’s own emissions. There are two ways you can do this:
… with a climate protection contribution relating to a specific order or commission
The myclimate label “Engaged for Impact” can be awarded for each order at the request of your customers. In this case, the emissions of the specific order, for example a printing job, are calculated and a climate protection contribution is made in the corresponding amount via the selected climate protection project from myclimate. With our online booking platform, you can quickly and easily calculate the emissions of your orders individually and generate offers.
... as carbon-balanced printshop complete with climate protection contribution
Financial contributions support myclimate climate protection projects on the basis of all unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions from the life cycles of your products. All printed matter produced by you can thus be awarded the myclimate label “Engaged for Impact”. You will also receive the label at company level as well as a confirmation to communicate your commitment.
Position yourself as a responsible company and enable your customers to contribute to effective climate protection projects.
For more than ten years, dpsuisse (formely Viscom) has been working with myclimate to ensure active climate protection together with Swiss print shops and businesses in the graphics industry. More than 86 print shops now enable their customers to calculate product emissions and make a corresponding contribution to climate protection.
Climate strategy
myclimate offers companies a comprehensive climate strategy which helps them to significantly reduce their climate impact and achieve net zero in long term.
Optimise your value chain and improve your company’s carbon footprint. Reduce your CO2 emissions and contribute towards achieving the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. Improve efficiency and benefit from potential cost savings as well as competitive advantages as a responsible and climate-friendly company.
Employees are part of successful corporate climate protection measures. After all, it’s people who make decisions, are creative and drive change. We therefore recommend actively involving your employees. Last but not least, you will also be able to strengthen your status as a progressive, attractive company.
Learn more
You as a company can make a contribution to the financing of myclimate climate protection projects. In addition to reducing your own emissions, this can be an important building block in your climate strategy towards reaching net zero. By engaging this way, you are already gaining voluntary experience in factoring in the costs of unavoidable CO₂ emissions and taking responsibility for them as a company.
Showcase your climate protection efforts and position yourself credibly and transparently as a responsible and progressive company. Benefit from increased brand awareness and recognition and motivate other companies and individuals to take action on climate change. By committing to educational projects, you are also laying the foundation for a climate conscious future.