Communicate and engage in climate protection

Showcase your climate protection efforts and position yourself credibly and transparently as a responsible and progressive company. Benefit from increased brand awareness and recognition and motivate other companies and individuals to take action on climate change. By committing to educational projects, you are also laying the foundation for a climate conscious future.

There are many ways to communicate your climate protection efforts. Use them to ensure that your contribution to a sustainable future is heard. myclimate offers your company the option of demonstrating your efforts towards climate protection management with the myclimate Label «Engaged for Impact». It also prepares SDG reports for you and advises you on the development of strategic partnerships and on your internal and external communication.

The proactive education of future generations is the foundation for effective climate protection. Therefore, myclimate realises educational projects in primary schools, secondary schools and vocational training colleges, thus enabling young people to find out at an early age how they can actively help create a climate-friendly society.

Support us and help us shape young people into tomorrow’s movers.

Our services

SDG Reporting

myclimate offers you an effective tool for your impact measurement in the shape of myclimate smart 3. It systematically records and evaluates your relevant data (KPIs). The software provides you with evaluations and reports adapted to your individual customer needs, demonstrating your impact in the form of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Active climate protection with the myclimate Label «Engaged for Impact»

Integrate active climate protection into your company, your product, your service, or your event, and communicate your commitment to climate protection credibly and transparently. With the myclimate label, we link responsible actions with marketing and scientific aspects with profitability. This allows you to actively position your company with the inclusion of innovative climate protection in your business activities. 

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External Reviews (MRV)

myclimate regularly produces external expert reports to verify carbon footprints and life cycle assessments. To this end, greenhouse gas inventories created internally or externally are reviewed in terms of how the methodology was applied and the resilience of the selected emissions factors.

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Support climate education

Support myclimate climate education, profit from the image of myclimate and communicate positively about specific, local commitments. Since 2007 we have developed education projects and gained strong partners from the business community, politics and society on our side.

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The way to become a Net-Zero company

Contact us!

Kai Landwehr

Director Global Marketing, Co-Executive Director Foundation myclimate

+41 44 500 43 50

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