myclimate "Cause We Care"

myclimate "Cause We Care" is the programme for climate protection and sustainable tourism in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Together, hotels, companies in the tourism industry, associations, destinations and private individuals are actively committed to climate protection. Together they create a double impact - and thus promote environmentally friendly measures thanks to the inflow of funds locally in their business.

What is myclimate "Cause We Care"?

myclimate "Cause We Care" is an initiative for sustainable tourism. It is based on the idea that guests and hosts should make a joint contribution to climate protection in the tourism and leisure sector. Originally launched in the Swiss tourism industry, the programme of the same name, including a digital platform, will also be available to tourism businesses in Germany and Austria from October 2024.

myclimate "Cause We Care" provides tourism providers and their customers with a credible, affordable and simple tool for effective climate protection. In doing so, myclimate "Cause We Care" ensures that both parties are actively involved. Companies are given the opportunity to position themselves sustainably and implement sustainable measures such as replacing heating systems or switching to solar power in their own operations - customers and guests take responsibility for their emissions and make a contribution to active climate protection.

How does myclimate "Cause We Care" work?

A myclimate "Cause We Care" business offers customers the opportunity to voluntarily make a small contribution to climate protection and sustainability when purchasing a tourist service or product. This contribution is doubled by the "Cause We Care" business. The sum then flows into the earmarked myclimate "Cause We Care" fund of the partner company. The financial resources from the fund are used to support myclimate carbon offset projects. On the other hand, the partner invests in climate protection and sustainability measures on site at the company. In this way, a double effect is achieved together: Global and local.

The myclimate "Cause We Care" platform

The digital platform from myclimate "Cause We Care" supports sustainability-conscious tourism partners of all sizes and sectors (hotels, parahotels, events, mountain railways, destinations, mobility, travel providers, leisure activities) in managing their environmental and climate protection efforts and offers an intuitive tool for planning, financing and implementing sustainability measures. A key feature is the simple calculation of the carbon footprint for recording and monitoring operational emissions.

In addition, the platform offers an extensive catalogue of implementable sustainability measures tailored specifically to the needs of tourism service providers and provides personalised communication materials to help companies raise awareness of climate protection among guests and employees.

The platform is easy to implement and suitable for companies of all sizes.

Available packages

myclimate "Cause We Care" is offered in various packages. You can find the right solution for your company here:

Advantages for your business

By participating in myclimate "Cause We Care", you benefit from a wide range of advantages.

Blue icon of a shield with a leaf in the center, symbolizing environmental protection and sustainability.

Concrete sustainability instrument

Blue icon of a coin stack with a leaf and a circle marked "CHF," symbolizing sustainable investments in Switzerland.

Cash inflow for own operating measures

Blue icon of a raised fist with rays, symbolizing strength and determination.

Strong positioning

Blue icon of a lightbulb, symbolizing innovation and sustainable ideas.

Vessel for innovation and product development

Blue icon of a heart, symbolizing empathy and care.

Attractive guest and customer loyalty tool

Blue icon of a document with a leaf in the center, symbolizing sustainable reporting or environmental guidelines.

Services can be booked with a climate protection contribution

Blue icon of three stylized people, symbolizing community and collaboration.

Access to an attractive, growing partner network

Best cases, testimonials & sustainability measures

Browse through best cases and the various categories of measures of the Swiss myclimate "Cause we Care" partners.

The opportunity for guests to make a voluntary contribution to myclimate climate protection projects is an important element of our sustainability strategy. Two-thirds of our guests have already done so in 2023, thus publicly striking a chord with the times.

René Dobler, CEO Swiss Foundation for Social Tourism

Climate change and the protection of the environment are the most important challenges of our time, and we are committed to this as a hotel group. Thanks to the myclimate "Cause We Care" initiative, our guests can now also make a contribution.

Dr. Götz Bechtolsheimer, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and representative of the family that owns the Tschuggen Collection

Become a myclimate ‘Cause We Care’ partner!
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Contact us!

Cornelia Rutishauser

Team Leader Corporate Partnerships

+41 44 500 43 50

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