Better Life in Indigenous Villages in Bolivia due to Solar and Efficient Cook Stoves

Project type: Solar , Efficient cook stoves

Project location: Bolivia

Project status: Completed, no credits available

Annual emission reduction of the whole project: 3,300 t

The programme intends to reduce carbon emissions, improve health, and reduce stress placed on forestry resources in Bolivia through the replacement of inefficient wood burning stoves with high efficiency rocket stoves or solar cookers in three departments of Bolivia.

The main objective of this Programme of Activity is to improve the livelihood and the environment of both peri-urban and rural populations in Bolivia by placing 1122 ecological stoves in households reducing 25,500 t CO₂  over the programme period. 

This programme specifically aims to: improve the livelihood of families, by saving the local population the purchase and/or the tiresome gathering of firewood; improve the health of the families by reducing the families’ exposure to unhealthy air particles created when using traditional wood stoves in the kitchen, therefore achieving a reduction in pulmonary illness mainly in women and children and the prevention of burn injuries in the kitchen; improve the use of people’s time by freeing up time which can be utilized for other activities therefore improving quality of life; improve the eating habits of families by making a modification of the cooking habits through sensitization and training programs that demonstrate the various uses of the ecological stoves and educating the families on hygiene, sanitation, food preparation, kitchen organization and the environment; and improve the environment by reducing CO₂  emissions, air pollution from wood fires and deforestation.

I am using a lot less wood now. Just a little firewood to get the food to boil and then I place it into the solar cooker. I have 2-3 hours to weave while the food cooks. The solar cooker help me to increase my income.

Felicidad Orellana, Cochabamba district

In Bolivia, myclimate's program partner - the non-profit organization CEDESOL - is responsible for implementation. With the help of funds from myclimate’s climate protection financing, it makes these ovens available to the population and helps to implement the programme on a reasonable scale. Furthermore, it is expected that over the next seven years the design of the programme will guarantee its sustainability and expansion to other areas of Bolivia and Paraguay.


This project contributes to 9 SDGs (as of end 2022):

Find out how myclimate reports these SDGs in our FAQ.


The following SDGs are verified by the Gold Standard:

There is a perception in the families of savings in time and money since the installation of the ecological stove.

4,500 people have benefited from better air quality since the start of the project and there are less visits to the medical facilities.

832 people have completed the Modular Environmental Training.

41 innovative leaders were trained.

814 domestic rocket stoves installed, 18 commercial/institutional rocket stoves and 290 solar stoves installed. 4500 people benefit from these new efficient and clean technology.

56 people employed from 2012 to present.

46% fuel savings achieved.

CO2 reduction

20,959 tonnes of wood saved through the project.

Situation without project

Consumption of non-renewable firewood

Project standard

Project number


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